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“But who will pick the cotton?”

-That’s you guys.

How did we go from “we need to pay a living wage” to “without illegal labor the economy will collapse”

No matter who the imaginary boogie man is (immigrants, trans people, Muslims) the goal is the same. Instill fear and hatred so their constituents believe that the enemy is *that guy* instead of the real bad guys we should be focusing on (corrupt government). Itโ€™s sad how well this keeps working.

The Leopards would like to reserve their usual table.

*below the bare minimum

I bet people against ending slavery were saying the same thing

That’s not how you use this format.

Tell r/conservative about it. They are on the hook

Itโ€™s actually usually less than the bare minimum

Not sure being on the side of slave labor is quite the flex you think it is.

Oh no our slave labor

“I love the poorly educated”

Our future president… again

Oh no now they’ll just have to pay documented American citizens a fair legal wage. Noooooo

yea its almost like mass immigration allows companies to stiff the working class of a nation out of fair paying jobs and mass deportations and other steps to end this exploitation are economically and ethically in our best interest

Yep. I live in the Midwest where old white Christian farmers put their Trump 2024 signs out on the edges of their fields and completely forget that everything they grow (flora or fauna) gets processed by great big facilities that depend on cheap immigrant labor.

Thats literally the point.

comment image

These are simple people of the land, you know, morons.

Mass migration mainly benefits the billionaires

Will be funny when the no one wants to work for minimum wage crowd is impacted by this.

The people who run these businesses know they hired migrants. They go out of their way to hire them. And when they get caught, nothing happens to them. Meanwhile the people they exploited are sent back to the country they left because it was dangerous and there are no opportunities. Also, when these people are “shipped back” they basically end up fucked. They end up on the streets because they spent what little money they had getting to America. And living on the streets there is much worse than living on the street in America. In America, there are plenty of charities and social programs to help **unhoused/houseless** people. I don’t know what the charity situation is like in these other countries, but their governments definitely don’t offer people social programs.

A lot of people assuming farm laborers make dog shit, average is about $18, CA has farms that pay significantly more than that. The big problem is you’re kicking out all the people that are willing to do the work. I’ve done farm work on an orchard, it sucks, and its pretty much only immigrants from poor countries that are willing to do that work and keep at it for a whole season.

Here’s an article quoting Senator McCain.

Our immigration systems sucks, we need a system that acknowledges the reality of what we need in our labor force and lets people that are willing and able to do that work move here in a straight forward and legal way. George W Bush was the last president to actually try to get something real done on this issue.

I hope Trump gets his way and his followers get what they hoped for. If anyone ever deserved to reap what they sow, itโ€™s them.

Hell I know people who are cheering for their own deportations because they wanted the โ€œtough guyโ€ plus old fashioned misogyny. Theyโ€™re all like โ€œ i came illegally but married in. Ill be fine!โ€

Who is this even targeted at? How many republican business owners that hire illegals do you think are on reddit?

We dont want slavery

“It’s still to early to know which minority to scapegoat”ยฉ

Mf run genocidal cop and now instead of questioning themselves or questioning while 70+ *millions* didn’t vote at all for their shit – thy went into miserry fantasies toward people whom “wronged” them, lmao.

Nobody is shocked. This is the fucking point. And the only “who will work the fields” fuckin people are among the American left.

Do you people even believe the bullshit you’re trying to push?

God my wages as a plumber will go way up

The positive here is corporate farms will move further towards the use of robotics so that we donโ€™t need humans to do this type of work.

Ahhh yes run the journey on slave labour …. good old america, it never changes haha

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