Imagine writing “ok sure, next you’ll tell me you want humans to also have enough to eat” unironically, thinking you were making some amazing point.

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I can’t believe that douche really believes that people don’t have the right to not starve to death. Like, tell me you’re an overly privileged asshole without saying you’re an overly privileged asshole.

This questions always baffle me. Is food a human rigth? Yes, you apathetic sociopath, like water, health and education, all necessary things for humans to live.

Rich ppl, “If everyone has enough food, then I don’t have more than poor ppl? That just can’t happen. Only rich ppl deserve to eat”

The “pro-life” party doesn’t care about people having food to live.

I mean…the pro-birth or anti-women, or even the hypocrite party. So many names to go through here…

Itโ€™s still so unreal to me how some people believe that a person deserves pain and illness if they canโ€™t afford the fix.

People who post that shit never missed a meal a day in their lives

Its amazing to see that people dont think basic need are rights. Thanks to years of propaganda against socialism

This isn’t just anyone, this is my representative in Congress. He ran unopposed this year. Yay.

Food distribution is the problem itโ€™s crazy we have children grow hungry and export food

Imagine thinking feeding people is a bad idea. Starvation exists because greed outweighs compassion, and thatโ€™s just depressing.

what’s even more depressing is the fact that some people will look at the “Starvation exists because it isn’t profitable to solve” and go “well…. yeah!!”

I certainly feel food should be a human right.

“If your needs are met I can’t exploit you until you die in debt.”

They said stuff like this during Covid too.

โ€œPeople want the vaccine to be free? Do they want chemotherapy and insulin to be free too????โ€

Short answer, yes

Tell me youโ€™re a psycho without telling me youโ€™re a psycho: this guy

“You want blacks to not be slaves? What, next you’ll tell me that women deserve the vote!”

Reads the same, just on social issues rather than economic class.

Bet this prick pretends to be a Christian too. Because as we all know, Jesus sure hated the filthy poors.

Assuming you were making a brilliant point, picture writing “okay sure, next you’ll tell me you want humans to also have enough to eat” without irony.

America, where you have the right to bear arms but not the right to eat.

Everyone making $150K or less should be provided a SNAP card. Full stop. Doesn’t have to pay for everything, but going hungry is a crime.

Modern version of, Let them eat cake.

Thomas Massie couldn’t go one day without eating. Privelaged weakling that would put a bullet in his head if he lost access to food.

Tbh this does put into question what having something as a right means though. Like sure, you have the right to food, but who is supposed to give you that? I’d say your government, and yes, I think we should be supporting governments that have meeting everyone’s basic needs as a priority

Without having checked… I’m pretty sure having enough to eat is an official human right….

Who tf is Thomas Massie and how can he think all people donโ€™t deserve to eat? Trump politicians and his base are nauseating.

There was this prophet around two millennia ago who said it would be good to feed the hungry and clothe the poor. It would be really cool if some people would start a political party dedicated to those ideals.

โ€œWhen youโ€™re privileged, equality feels like oppressionโ€ never had a more clear example.

He thinks everyone getting to eat is the rich being oppressed

Itโ€™s also extra tone deaf when the winning issue this election was advocating to lower grocery prices for the middle class, working class, and poor.

And they say Usa is not a hellish capitalistic distopia

Name me a more capitalist scencence. I wait

More people died from obesity related diseases than starvation.

I saw a homeless man stealing food in the grocery store the other day, just blatantly stuffing his backpack. Which translates to I didnโ€™t see shit.

Great letโ€™s see how much money that guy is putting up then.

None? But what about other peoples โ€œrightsโ€ how will we pay to get them the resources?

Fucking hell, do they actually HEAR themselves speaking or is it just empty between their ears?!? How can you not think that everyone deserves access to food, water, shelter, clothes, etc?!? Literally the only downside is that it doesn’t help the rich fucks who ALREADY HAVE MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! I hate this fucking planet. There is so much abundance that we could all be fed and housed and THRIVING, but the greedy people at the top are displeased by that idea, so they ruin it for everyone but themselves. Disgusting.

“But surely some people should have to starve to death, right? Otherwise, how can I feel good about eating?”

The thing is, SOMEONE is paying for the food, food isnโ€™t free, and it ends up coming out of your taxesโ€ฆ so you actually lose more autonomy of purchase power because itโ€™s being allocated in the way the government sees fit. I would rather pinch pennies with less taxes than more.

“In 2021, the US and Israel were the only countries to vote against a United Nations committee’s draft that asserted food as a human right.”

“We also do not accept any reading of this resolution or related documents that would suggest that States have particular extraterritorial obligations arising from any concept of a ‘right to food,’ which we do not recognize and has no definition in international law.

For these reasons, we request a vote and we will vote against this resolution.”

The people that claim to care about live, unironically asking if you honestly think that feeding everyone is a good idea, is the most ironic thing ive read today.

Food, water and shelter are all human rights. There is no reason in this day and age that any humans should be struggling with any of these 3 basic needs, and it is indicative of our failure as a social species that, for all the wealth and โ€œvalueโ€ we produce, people still must lice without.

How the fuck can people say things like “if health care is a right, is food as well” when the notoriously anti-social welfare right wing is also notoriously Christian, and one of the most famous Christian stories is when Jesus Christ **literally magically created a bunch of food out of a few fish and loaves of bread and fed thousands of people free of charge, no questions asked.**

And in the New Testament I think this happened twice.

And it couldn’t be clearer that **the Crhistian answer to feeding the poor and the hungry is absolutely categorically yes, beyond doubt.** Like, this is a *core tenet.*

But sure it’s all just left wing hippie communism I guess.

As long as I donโ€™t starve

Maybe if everyone has food stamps, like 20 bucks a month for those that don’t really need it, it would reduce stigma and enable people to have a lifeline if things get tough.

The amount of food that is wasted yearly is in the billions as well.

I have the same degree, from the same school, as this asshole. Every time he opens his mouth I want to light my diploma on fire.

Yes, but how would that work in the United States, where we donโ€™t want to do that?

The reason we use profit and capitalism to distribute food is because it is objectively more responsive to allocating food. This is so basic of a concept but for some reason redditors still cant grasp it. Im all for some sort of food supplied for the least fortunate through welfare programmes but never forget the reason we in developed countries dont have famines.

Iโ€™ve heard that 60% of all food goes into the trash. (In America)

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