What obesity does to a human body.

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Looks like a skeleton in a jumpsuit.

femurs bending

Is this an actual xray or just an artistic representation? Ive never seen someone that big with such smooch “round” belly and features, it looks like a cartoon. The only creases are on the back and sides.

“I’m just big boned”

comment image?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be99c235b3ef91fce824aebe281313544efcaa9e

Real life comparison! Aka meeeeeee -221pounds

Found his penis!

Dude weighs a skele-ton

that’s like armour

Hey! I thought there was doctor/patient confidentiality,..how did my x-rays end up on Reddit?

Curious in a non-gay way how the penis works in this capacity.

Well that’s terrifying, I think I’m gonna go to the gym now

comment image?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dfa0079ea56ad4806a0429733d6b7fc058916a8

Obesity makes your bones black, you heard it here first!

So what does it do? I don’t see any effects or explanation here.

Chip by chip.. soda by soda.. the prison was forged.

Healthy at every siz…ACK

How i imagine Siegmeyer of Catarina

This new Viscous skin is sick

Poor skeleton ๐Ÿ’€
All locked up in that pile of lard โ€ฆโ€ฆ.

So there really is a skinny person waiting to get out ?

Too bad your dick doesn’t get proportionally fatter too

Big boned my ass.

That neck bending

Body positivity is right about not judging people by weight but when they become this obese they should really do something for their health sake

To think there are people who actively defend this saying it’s body positivism and accepting one self and stuff like that. I find it preposterous.

Good thing there’s this image, as I never would have imagined what obesity does otherwise.

And there is a group of people who believe you can be healthy at any size. Hmmm

i always imagined a skeleton would stretch somehow.. im just stunned

This is terrifying. When you actually see the size bones have to carry… and then someone says fat is not unhealthy, you are just fatshaming.

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