Just like they did for Covid

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It is just another transfer of wealth from the average American to the very wealthy plutocracy.

Like it always has been.

Say it with me everyone!

“Class Warfare!”

It is even more fun this time, because it is trade warfare too!

Already happening . Prices up in anticipation.

…And Republicans will still blame Democrats….

this meme is like when you write down the correct answer for a math problem but your method to get there was wrong

The point of protectionism is to limit consumers’ choice and allow domestic producers to raise prices with less competition.

I expect most big corporations will buy a lot of stock/materials before the tariffs go into effect, then instead of keeping their prices the same (despite the fact that their costs didn’t actually go up because they bought materials first), they’ll raise the prices and cite tariffs for doing so and just kind of do legal price gouging.

Trump has convinced people to vote for them, regardless of what they do. Screw up covid? No blame. Screw up Afghanistan – no blame. etc. Giant budget deficit – no blame, etc.

So why be good? They will find a way to cut the heart out of the country and consume it, as quickly and thoroughly as they possibly can. The SCOTUS won’t stop him. We are all just slaves now, a couple steps removed.

This is the point of tarrifs. To allow domestic companies to charge more and earn more profit.

If domestic companies were not charging more and earning more money then the tariff wasn’t successful.

Let’s price gouge so the idiots will vote for “change” then elect republicans who enable us to price gouge further with tax breaks 👍🏼

25% tariffs, 35% price hike. Everytime.

I mean if imported product is .99 a lb, and you’re selling at .98 a lb to keep the competitive edge, what do you think happens when imports are 1.09?

They’re going to raise the prices quickly to what the tariffs will be so they can take in profit before they hit.

Yeah, it’s part of the grift…Trumps going to get kickbacks on the side (or his families spin-off shady corps on the side) from all the profits these companies make. He said it to them during his campaign run and caught on fucking video…And yall still voted his dumb as into office. Well here is what you get.

25 percent tarrif? 30% price increase. People still buy? Let’s push it to 50!

Tariffs are just this terms “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it”

And the prices will never go back down. And they will somehow find a way to blame Biden, or even Obama

Can’t have record profits if no one can afford to buy anything.

Supply Chain 2.0

It’s another heist. Happens every few years.


Why are the prices high? Gqp:it’s hunter biden’s huge dong wich is so huge it is raising inflation.

Good, maybe people will start to realize voting for the wanna-be dictator had consequences attached.

Raise prices, record profits, and **keep** prices raised.

It’s more like ‘brand X’ costa 25% more because of tariffs, so ‘brand Y’, not effected by tariffs, raises their prices 24%, because why not? That’s a free 24% profit and you still get to be cheaper than the competition.

They already are. My wife buys a lot of building materials & had to pay 20% more today than she did 2 months ago.

And republicans will blame it on Biden, Hillary and Obama. That’s always their pattern.

That’s what they’ve been doing already and calling it “inflation”. It’s not true inflation, it’s price gouging

This might be true but don’t start thinking corporations are the problem. Corporations will act greedily, that’s just how capitalism works. The onus is on the GOVERNMENT to ensure this does not lead to bad outcomes. If poverty rises while corporations are getting rich, don’t get mad at the corporations – get mad at the government for letting this happen.

Getting mad at corporations for being greedy would be like a shepherd leaving their sheep outside unattended at night and getting mad at wolves for eating them. The solution isn’t for the wolves to stop eating your sheep, the solution is to put up a damn fence or bring them inside a barn or something. You can’t change the wolf.

Ahhh… to not be American

My company has already told us that our raises that we usually receive in April won’t happen until July this year, if at all. This company also said there was no money at all for raises during covid when we were in a hiring freeze and many of us were working two jobs +, but our CFO got a few million in bonuses alone that year.

No, they’ll blame Democrats

Of course.
They add a percentage of their costs to make the profit.

When the cost goes up because of tariffs, the percentage stays the same but gross profits increase.

And just like they did to convince voters the democrats gotta go.

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