The size difference is crazy

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The black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A, is about the size of Mercury’s orbit, but it has the mass of 4.3 million Suns. One of the largest confirmed black holes, TON 618, is 66 billion solar masses and is more than 40 times the distance from Neptune to the Sun in size.

You need to add your mother for scale

Help Stephenson, I’m stuck!

You think it’s big now just wait til after five full plates on Thanksgiving.

In case you want nunbers: Earths diameter is 14.000km , TON 618 is roughly 490.000.000.000 km wide

Next one down: deez.

But also, the theorized black hole stars are nuts.

Black hole so thick it’s named TON in all caps

What a terrible format to illustrate this.

This pic needs two horizontal lines.

Obligatory reference: [](

The largest known planet in the universe would take nearly 2,000 years to complete a single orbit. There’s so much out there we’ll never see or can’t even begin to imagine.

I mean, I get what’s trying to be displayed here, but I don’t know what Stephenson or Ton is so this means next to nothing.

Someone please add another planel with TON 618 and yo mama.

We need to meassure it in Carlos too. Like how many Carlos’s is one Earth?

Texas > Ton 618

Space is big.

TON daddy take me

That’s what she said

That’s what she said

The Uber Snu Snu.

i didn’t need to see this today 🤣🫣✨🥴

Imagine trying to find your keys in that thing’s pocket, talk about a cosmic game of hide and seek!

Dees nuts > Ton 618

I’m scared

And trying to imagine the enormity of the magnetic field, or sphere of gravitational influence, from something like TON618– just mind blowing

We are atoms in comparison to the black hole

(stephen)Son of a ton and father of a sun

Wait until you find out that you’re halfway between the size of an electron and the size of a galaxy

How no one refrenced this is insane.

Fuck sakes

Also imagine about 110 suns in aline. Thats how far we are far the sun. Science books never are even close to scale

Pretty pictures by Kurzgesagt


Photos of space stuff just make me scream at the fact life exists at all. WHY ARE WE HERE OMGGGG

As big as they are, you can still [stick it in the Cornucopia](

I’m so confused by this image. How am I supposed to be reading this?

From the context and comments I get that they’re saying TON 618 is huge but how the heck am I supposed to glean that from this image?

What are you doing, Stephen-Son?

Wow 😲

’twas a sad day for UY Scuti when Stephenson 2-18 was discovered.

Now compare TON-618 to the Great Attractor

My dick/ ton618….

We all read “stepson” and we all need therapy urgently 😂

Imagine the conversations they have over at Ton 618

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