I can’t be the only one that has this stuck in their head Last updated: November 27, 2024 12:00 am By AbyssWankerArtorias Share Memes 14 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 14 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments H4loR4ptor 3 months ago r/antimeme Lumpy-Ad8962 3 months ago I can’t be the only one with this jammed in their noggin emre086 3 months ago Especially big-headed people… they’ve got a lot on their mind! Jeef_1st 3 months ago I can think of a few people who don’t… DogeDoRight 3 months ago Doubt ChemistVegetable7504 3 months ago This lives in my head rent free along with every embarrassing thing and cringey moment when I try to put my brain to bed. 1llDoitTomorrow 3 months ago Then get it to leave Longjumping-Part3983 3 months ago I feel your pain Marasbara5 3 months ago No, you live in that rent free. You are not your body. You are an amalgum of electric signals stored in that thing. LaLaraa 3 months ago It is your brain telling you that tacticsinschools 3 months ago doctors say the brain is very complicated! Nuclear_Operator 3 months ago There are many people, especially here in America that do not have that stuck in their head. lmNotReallySure 3 months ago Nah if he stops coughing up things like adrenaline and dopamine it will make you not live. The rent is happiness the late fee is deathx AdventurousPirate357 3 months ago I had mine surgically removed SearchSearchRecent PostsHomie Checkpoint How do I open this lock? How to clean this stain off chair Mt. Rainier [OC] [6240×3627] Short answer Recent Comments
I can’t be the only one with this jammed in their noggin
Especially big-headed people… they’ve got a lot on their mind!
I can think of a few people who don’t…
This lives in my head rent free along with every embarrassing thing and cringey moment when I try to put my brain to bed.
Then get it to leave
I feel your pain
No, you live in that rent free. You are not your body. You are an amalgum of electric signals stored in that thing.
It is your brain telling you that
doctors say the brain is very complicated!
There are many people, especially here in America that do not have that stuck in their head.Â
Nah if he stops coughing up things like adrenaline and dopamine it will make you not live. The rent is happiness the late fee is deathx
I had mine surgically removed