Overflowing with Intelligence!

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He is literally becoming the onceler

I don’t get it… don’t they think climate change is a woke conspiracy?

Nature: *sighs in chlorophyll*.

Trees only sequester carbon until they die. If they decay on the surface or get burned, all that carbon goes back up.

Ken Tremendous = Mike Schur.

Among other things he’s the creator of Parks & Rec, The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine Nine, co-creator of The Office (US) where he also played Mose Schrute…

Ken Tremendous is a national treasure and comedy legend.

Aspiring earth scientist here, providing an “🤓actually”:

Trees don’t really help with sequestering carbon. In the short term (50-70 years), carbon stored in the soil might even decrease after planting new trees.
The trees themselves do store carbon of course, it’s just one extreme natural event away from being released again.

Trees are not even remotely in the scale required to sequester carbon. No amount of planting trees will equal the US industrial co2 output of even a week.

For those who do not know, this is not what trees due. Trees are carbon nuetral long term. They take carbon to make more tree. Tree dies, carbon is used as fuel by animals, CO2 is released again. To “sequester durable” is to make it so the CO2 isn’t released again.

I am all for planting trees, and Elon is an asshole. But he is right on this one. CO2 reduction is hard, and planting trees does not fix the problem.

Wasn’t there already a prize for carbon sequestration like 20 years ago?

Anything but turning off the taps

Well, there is a part left out – you have to cut down the trees and seal them so they cannot decompose. e.g. deep burial. Otherwise the carbon will eventually return to the atmosphere.

Then grow more trees.

It isn’t quite that simple. In some stages of their life trees actually emit some emissions or stop consuming carbon dioxide.

A much better alternative in my opinion is iron fertilization.

It’s not actually durably for trees. The trees release the carbon back as they decompose

Trees dont store carbon durably and sustainably…they die, fall over and rot releasing the carbon in a cycle. 100 years isnt long enough. The grail of carbon sequestration is to find a more permenant means of containing and storing atmosphwric carbon.

Its a funny quip but it honestly shows a lack of understanding of the problem.

Algae is hundred of times better but yeah trees work too.

The problem with trees is that they’re flammable and when they burn they release the CO2 back into the atmosphere.

Can we get a fireproof tree that doesn’t decompose?

I think the idea is that we need to find a way to do this more efficiently than a tree can. We’ve fu**ed the planet up so badly that no degree of human assisted reforestation will be enough to stop our extinction. More realistically is the problem that the greed of our wealthy classes won’t allow the resource allocation required for an attempt; unless a new technology allows them to personally profit from selling clean air back to the working class.

an alternate answer that is easier to cultivate is algae

Trees are not mineralized carbon. They decompose and release most of that carbon into the atmosphere. The carbon remains in the environment.

He’s asking for a way to remove the carbon from the environment.

he is giving a tree $100 million to chop it later!

Hey now! That MD means he didn’t study all the sciences. I’m pretty sure he knows his way around a <insert body part> though.

This is about carbon sequestration on mars, obviously trees and algae aren’t going to work there.

I hate musk as much as any sane person should. BUT human migration to mars could be the only thing that meaningfully helps us fight climate change. It’s probably the only way we get capitalism interested in greener/carbon sequestering tech. If we can terraform a planet we fix climate change on earth for free.

This speech from Robert Zubrin is the most effective and concise explanation of why going to mars is so important. In fact it’s probably one of the most impressive off the cuff speeches I’ve ever heard.


We’re in trouble

But they can’t monopolize trees.

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