Deep Johnny Depp

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Amber Heard is the poster child for the scariest type of crazy.

Wait…what year is this???

OP is either still using internet explorer or a bot

It’s a good thing he got out of that shit

Imagine being proud of that shit.

Amber Heard as the quintessential “Never stick your dick in crazy”.

Bro this shit ended like a year ago

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The Mad Shatter

Amber Heard aka Slander Turd

Turns out Amber Heard was the violent abuser. Garbage excuse for a human being. There are still people defending Amber Heard because they do not want to admit that they are wrong.

Is this trial the reason I stopped hearing so much about MeToo and “believe women”? I feel like those were everywhere until then.

it makes so much sense the Elon was into that now

As though this mentality is the exclusive domain of Amber Heard and as if one needs to be crazy or a psychopath to possess it.


My dad went through this. He said the exact same thing 10 years ago, but sadly he wasn’t Johnny Depp.

Watching the trial live for weeks gave me the clarity to start a new. For so many years I thought I’d been the only problem

Everyone is so much better off now

i’d post this on r/fauxmoi but im banned. can someone else do it so we can watch them squirm lmao

Before the trial I sided with Turf.

She definitely hurt future actual victims though. People like her always do. And threw are still people who watched the trial and side with her.

I think both of them are crappy but this right here is the type of dramatic testimony only movie films can think of.

And yet some women were still defending her

Nothing beats the pooping on the bed😂😂

I’m sure he’s no saint but she’s just toxic cuckoopants. The kind of woman you teach your sons to avoid.

Liz Lemon: “We had a nickname for her in college. I can’t even say it.” (Writes it down)
Jack (reading note): “Crazy Putty?”
Liz: “No. Those aren’t Ts.”

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