DoorDasher’s reminder notes

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Good for him.

Instead of falling into destructive patterns, he’s taking constructive action to better his situation.

That’s all we can really ask of anyone.

Hope those stickies work

Good for him.

My man goin through it

All the best, buddy

I dunno why some people think this is weird. It happens to all of us and itโ€™s a great way to get better. Good for him!


Damn. Reminds you that everybody has someone else who is their whole world. I hope he moves on and meets the right person

It’s so charming that you’re all assuming these notes are referring to his ex – I immediately assumed this is to remind him not to harass any of his female customers.

In the weak moments it hurts. Good luck mate!

We must stay focused, brothers

Haha, ended an abusive relationship in February, and I’m still struggling to do these things now

I want to tell the guy that it gets better

…eventually. and that all his pain is not only real but a testament to how much of himself he was able to commit to love another person more than yourself. That alone is beautiful and proof that you had lived as a decent human being

Stay strong King

They need to print that on the back of whisky bottles

Whoa, for some reason I read it as don’t stalk the customers. What a creep. But an ex makes way more sense.

Way to invade someone’s privacy.

Self aware

Well done! Mine are:
-Donโ€™t say โ€œyour door has been dashed!โ€

-Donโ€™t sample the order to ensure itโ€™s not poison

-Smoke weed every day

Embrace the pain during change there are better times ahead my friends

aww, it will get better

Is this person sees this! Stay strong! You got this!!!

Bro’s got a self-imposed restraining order on his dash.

I mean, this isn’t much different from what I did to get over exes. I just did the thing where you snap a rubberband on your wrist every time you think of relapsing. His is just a more obvious and visible reminder, but it amounts to the same thing.

The easiest way to get over someone is to cut them out of your life cold turkey, but in the age of social media, it can be very hard.

Ouch ๐Ÿ˜• I hope he can find peace within himself. Seems he is in a rough spot

This is like memento


Bro is hurting

Been there done that

and repeat x9999999999999999999999

Part of the Ten Commandments

Healing while grinding, insane respect

Solid plan and some solid advice!

He is smart. Many of us should take notes.

Oh boy. Weโ€™ve all been on the post it note self help journey. I hope it gets better for bro.

I hope everything works out for them

Or is this something more serious and dark?


Sometimes, the only way to move forward is waking up the next day.

Sublime message for: look at her instagram, message & massage her, donโ€™t go home.

Dude is battling some intense inner turmoil and I hope he wins.

I feel for him. I hope he’s doing good with his life, for him to have post-its as reminder to stop himself doing stupid things

Written in his best friend’s handwriting!

oh didnt know Dua Lipa’s remix for New Rules just dropped

All yโ€™all thinking heโ€™s doing good getting over an ex. What if these are reminders not to look at the Insta of the girl ordering food, and not to message her, and to just drop off the food and go home. This is how the movie either starts (with him trying to stop the intrusive thoughts of the college girls ordering food) or ends (with him getting away with a string of college girl murders and moving on)โ€ฆ

self-care notes but make it chaotic… love the energy tbh

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