The brain can start eating itself if it doesn’t get enough sleep. Sleep loss can trigger astrocytes to start breaking down more of the brain’s connections and their debris

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Well, I guess I’ll finally go to sleep after this post

saw this meme before

this is half true half misleading

in a experiment with mice they did see something bad happening that you could call eating itself

but that picture is a lie your brain wont look like that

if it did you be dead

its a cerebral dissection

Thanks to sleep apnea my brain will likely starve to death any day now. Not like there was a whole lot there to start with…

Thats enough internet for today…

Finally, a reason for me to care about getting sleep.

I’m really glad I gave up meth

“Another group were kept awake for five days in a row“

This group better get paid more than the other group. Terrifying to be them.

Brainrot is real

in fact, “eating itself” is the wrong term, as it neither chews nor digests itself. it merely breaks down

So exactly how much sleep do I need to skip for this to be fetal?

Falling asleep at random times if the day doesn’t seem too bad now

I slept 3 hours cuz overthinking this night and now I see this.Yeah

me with cronical insomnia:


*cries in shift worker*

Scrolling Reddit at 5:50am trying to fall back asleep… 🫨

Well fuck. I have severe (PTSD related) insomnia for almost 14 years now and this isn’t really reassuring.

How can I unread this

The silver lining? At least you can’t feel it

My T1 diabetes means i almost never get an uninterrupted nights sleep. I’ll just put this new health fear over here on this massive pile of others.

Dont fucken tell me that

whelp im fucked

Don’t tell this to university students.

okay not me seeing this without sleep for almost 24hrs now.


this explains the russian sleep experiment

edit: /s

Mmmm brain suop -brian

I’ve worked at least 6 years in a six days a week, 14hrs double shift job.

I’d get like 2hrs of sleep daily because I’d stay up very late to have some time to myself and my hobbies rather than just get home, go to sleep, and wake up to go to work…fuck that.

My brain must be swiss cheese right now, but it was worth it.

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