DB Cooper may have been identified! Siblings say their late father was the hijacker after finding a matching parachute. FBI investigating.

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The parachute didn’t actually match. The chute Cooper was given had a navy harness and was missing so called ‘D-rings’ according to declassified FBI documents. The newly discovered chute has an air force harness and D-rings.

McCoy has also been pretty definitely eliminated as a subject because everyone who saw Cooper on that plane, including the Stewardess who sat next to him for multiple hours said he was not the man and could point to specific differences.

[This video](https://youtu.be/dxkJeEg-n6Y?si=cNaRlje2kkgZXZmL) is where my information comes from.

Or is it the parachute from same modus operandi hijacking McCoy did 5 months later?

Flight attendants from plane hijacked by “Dan Cooper” were shown McCoys photographs and all 3 said it wasn´t him.

Wow! Can you post the source…want to read more about it!

Sounds very dubious personally

I wouldn’t believe a word Dan Gryder says, not even if he told me the sky was blue and water was wet. That guy is an absolute stain on the aviation community and everything he says should be ignored and/or ridiculed.

The real question for this is where is the money and how did he hid himself from the authorities for way too long.

I couldn’t imagine snitching on my own father after he’s passed away.

MF Doom, he’s like DB Cooper

This seems more like they are trying to find a way to cash in on a theory. I don’t think this truly holds any water.

The thing about McCoy – all of the witnesses on the plane said it definitely wasn’t him.

So it wasn’t Charles Westmoreland?

So Richard could be the real McCoy!

Omg snitch much ! Kids these days

Imagine if it’s true…finally solving one of the greatest mysteries in American history

Wait….DB saved his parachute? I dunno about that….

Right. A criminal mastermind that’s evaded the Feds for decades decided to keep a key piece of evidence that could tie him to the robbery. Gtfoh.

it’s one of those cases I had hoped would never get solved just because of the lore & mystique of it all

Why did he keep the parachute?

Do we have DB Cooper DNA on file? Maybe with commercial DNA testing, a match with a family member will finally put this to rest.

nawr it was just loki

No, definitely not. The flight attendants said it was a different guy.

Hollywood all set to make a named *Flight 305/Cooper*. Releases in 2027.

I always thought Vince Peterson was a pretty solid suspect.

TLDR, he was a Boeing engineer and the tie ‘Cooper’ left behind had minuscule aerospace metals particles found on it.

Theory is that he didn’t jump, he used his knowledge to stow away in a void next to the footbridge.

Leave the man be. I hope they don’t find shit. If he is Mr. Cooper, I hope he goes down in history as he has never been caught. And the siblings should go live under a rock.

[ X ] Doubt

Seems like probably not

This whole time, DB Cooper was the real McCoy

Never believe someone who says their dad was this or that famous criminal. Every six months there’s some new person saying their dad was the zodiac killer.

I should definitely keep the parachute I used to incriminate myself…

If, and it’s a BIG if as that jump would of been almost unsurvivable, he survived the jump he then decided to take the parachute all the way back with him to North Carolina? as what, a souvenir?

Well OK then ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

What are you even talking about? Either their father was Loki or they are just bluffing.

So he is the real McCoy.

So he kept his parachute? Ok. 👍

Why keep the only evidence for 50 plus years though?

Dude looks nothing like that drawing.


I’ve seen him be identified a bunch and then it turn out not to be him. I’ll wait this time

I don’t think we will ever know the real DB cooper since it’s happened there’s been a dozen stories 😂

Wait! Isn’t the guy holding the parachute that guy that grows hottest peppers in the world?

> Richard McCoy first became a suspect in 1972 when he hijacked a Boeing 727 and escaped via the aft stairway, much like D.B. Cooper. Because of the significant overlap between the two hijackings, some believe they just have been committed by the same person. McCoy used a fake name, he used a fake hand grenade to threaten the crew, he used handwritten notes to issue his demands [all of which D.B. Cooper also did]. Both McCoy and Cooper used the phrase ‘no funny stuff’ as a warning to the crew. McCoy demanded $500,000 in cash, and four parachutes [like Cooper]. McCoy also bailed out the back of the plane once they passed over his hometown in the state of Utah. Apart from the similar modus operandi, McCoy had also served in the Vietnam War as a demolitions expert and a helicopter pilot. McCoy did actually survive the fall and managed to evade authorities for two full days before he was apprehended and sentences to 45 years in prison. Before his death in 1974, McCoy refused to confirm or deny that he was D.B Cooper.

> On the other hand, McCoy was an avid recreational skydiver, and even came prepared with a skydiving helmet and jumpsuit. [D.B. Cooper brought no such equipment] He gave very specific instructions about the flight path. [Cooper had to incorporate last minute changes that suggested less appropriate familiarity than McCoy would have had] In addition to the fake hand grenade, McCoy also used an unloaded handgun to threaten the crew [which D.B Cooper didn’t not use]. He failed to retrieve one of the notes he’d given to a flight attendant [while Cooper was very attentive to his handwritten notes]. He was only 29 years of age at the time of the hijacking [while Cooper was described as being in his mid-40s], and all three flight attendants [on Cooper’s flight] were quite certain that McCoy was not Cooper.

> While there are meaningful parallels between these two cases, McCoy may simply have been a copycat who’d read about D.B. Cooper in the news.


And the Snitch of the year award goes to

This would mark a major breakthrough in one of the most famous unsolved mysteries in U.S. history.

Why would out your dad like that? Good for nothing kids.

He was identified years ago. Unfortunately he died while attempting to escape from Fox River penitentiary.

Really identified Db Cooper before GTA 6

The real McCoy?

If this is true, it’s wild that the mystery might actually get solved after all these years. Imagine finding out your dad was *the* DB Cooper.

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