Elon Musk

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Is Elon getting pardoned next year for Thanksgiving?

Reminds me of an iguana 

Elon Tate

He kinda looks like a bobs burgers character from the side lol

Turkey neck

Edit: he should have renamed Twitter to Gobbler



He would not be able to get girls without his money. 😂

Bro looks like a fish

The thing is, for a while he genuinely looked really handsome – during the time he was dating Grimes.

He’s since slipped and become this gross, fat mess that has aged like 10 years in like 2. It’s what being evil and corrupt does to you


As someone with a weak chin, I swear we aren’t all this lame.

No thank you. Just like Trump, the less I hear about him the better, as nothing that comes out of either adds any value.

Not by the hair on his chinny chi- wait

To 99% of the ass clown egotists in this sub, we all hate Elon, but if you can’t spot an edited picture, youre too stupid to join in on making fun of him.

Look at the phone someone’s holding behind him. That totally normal, rectangul- oh wait.

I dislike Elon for a lot of reasons, but this just seems kinda lame to me. Finding the worst possible picture to post on a pictures subreddit, and then everyone just piling on. Like, what are we doing here?

Turtle vibes?

What up with this architype of guy like musk and tate who have no chins? I thought the “alpha male” was supposed to have a strong jaw line? Instead these incels have Mitch McConnel turtle face.

Will go down as one of the most brutal, hoarding degenerates of the century.


He’s begining to look like Trump. He will be wearing a diaper soon too…

Reddit likes to collectively agree that fat-shaming is bad until it comes down to someone that doesn’t align with their political views, yikes.

Alot of weak chinned dudes hanging with that side.

“Never Surrender” on the hat of the richest man on the planet

If we ever developed a negative currency coin, this would be a fitting silhouette.

Someone needs to make sure he sees this lol.

Body shaming became a thing for leftists lmao? What’s next?

Look at this jive turkey…

So…..What? The fuck is the point of this thread?

Why are you guys so horny about making fun of people?

Imagine what you guys could do if you would put this energy towards something useful.

Aight I’m done with r/pics

R / disinformationpics is at it again.

He’s so goofy looking, couldn’t you guys circle jerk to real photos of him and not play make believe to fake photos??

This is the petty side of Reddit. Making fun of the other side gives them ammo because it shows how petty and immature you are. Trump calls people names and make fun of their physical appearance. Why are you so willing to do the same?

Body shaming is cool when it’s not your team hahahaha you people can’t get over a loss


Picked up trumps posture.

holy hell this sub is just rage bait shit posts

I don’t understand the point, aside from trying to bash some guy by his looks?


elong musk

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