My dog taking my child’s pacifier for the 4th time💗🤦🏼‍♀️

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hi i’m their lawyer, these are baseless accusations and they clearly did nothing wrong

“I’m just a baby”

On one hand this is annoying.

On the other this is adorable.

Just let the dog keep one instead of throwing it and get another one for the baby

It is cute.. it’s frustrating having to chuck them out😪😪

he’s just a wittle baby

But (s)he’s just a baby

Urgh 🤮

Both of my pugs absolutely love pacifiers; they would steal my niece’s any chance they got so I had to make sure there weren’t any on the floor if she was around them. 😅

They need it more! Look how cute their face is!

The way the light bounces of the fuzz is just magical

Did the dog take it or did your child drop it?

I would have thrown it away after the 1st time (the pacifier tbc).

He’s just trying to help raise the baby in his own way. Honestly, too cute to be mad at.

ugh. poor dog. stop buying those designer genetic abominations and creating demand for breeding. They live substandard quality of life.

hope you give a new pacifier to your child now 🙂

He’s just a baby

The most surprising thing would be that the dog somehow didnt start chewing the whole thing, even used it right side up.

I think you put that in its mouth.

Correct me if I’m wrong but dogs can choke on them right? Like veterinarians suggest not to?

Please let him keep it 😭🙏

“Look at me, I am the child now”

A “mildly infuriating” post about dog in reddit? mostly, you would either hear jokes or blind love towards dogs, not empathy, most people are crazy about dogs, literally.

You guys think ragebait or just a stupid person?

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I never understand white people. 4th time? I’d thrown it out after the first. Fucking disgusting behavior.

My cat used to do this when I was a toddler, it’s how my parents got me to stop using a pacifier lol

>pitbull gets its first taste of baby

Surely this will end well.

Fucking train them properly

That’s a cute dog.

Frenchies are disgusting.

You need to get a pacifier for both your kids!

Your dog is baby.

Get your poor dog their own pacifier 😭

You don’t have a dog, your baby has a very jealous older sibling.

Put it on a clip on, that way, when you see your child being dragged around like a toy doll, you’ll know the dog definitely is being rebellious. Or, hook it’s own clip on binky to its collar 🤷🏻‍♀️

You give it to the baby after the dog?

Just be careful/aware that they can chew them and swallow them and they’re not so friendly on their digestive systems. 

Your Frenchie is just trying to help wean the baby now rather than later

At this point, I’d just get your baby a new pacifier. Puppy is too cute. But at least you know how to recycle them when the little one grows out of binki stage.

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