I thought I took a cute picture, looked back at it and realized my hand was directly on the Sascrotch

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That is the exact same look I’d have.

“Please keep off statue” lmao

You molested Harry! 😭

Sascrotch is now a word I’m going to try and work into my vocabulary. I don’t make good goals but I make goals.

The look on his face is like he KNOWS exactly what’s going on and is just going with it

Says “keep off” not “get off”

It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!!!

That’s not the worst part. It’s the socks and sandals.

Came in hot to give you tons of shit about your stupid spelling only to realize you’d made a delightful wordplay.

Right on Harry’s Henderson

Well, maybe u/urethra_franklin there is just inspecting the statue’s urethra…

Looks like he likes it

I’d be happy too damn girl!

That’s Espresso Chalet near Steven’s Pass, WA. It’s one of my favorite spots on the drive.

And yet the real tragedy are the socks in sandals

Was it ‘hard’ to let go?

You knew……;-)

Punchline came before he did

I can’t believe you would do that to poor Harry. He’s an innocent.

Were the Hendersons there?

Just tell people you are covering his shame. It was very easy despite his nickname.

Username checks out …

She want that BSC.

Big Sasquatch Cock.

Bitchs all about the tallest motherfucker.

He seems to like it, score!

Christmas Vacation. Freeze!

Harry!!! He’s a family Sasquatch. How dare you!!

Is your hand touching his Harry or his Hendersons?

So you gave Harry a woody?

[Tried to fix it, best I could do on my phone]comment image)

He doesn’t seem to mind.

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