I’m a single mom of two. My ex asked if another man helped me put up my Christmas decorations.

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only a *real man* could have plugged five (5!!!!) standard plugs into a surge protector

edited wrong number because apparently women can’t do math either


How was your tiny female brain able to figure this out in your own?


Psst, your insecurity is showing sir

I’m not sure which is worse: That your ex thinks you need a man to set up some very, very basic decorations, or that your ex thinks it’s any of his business if you have a man over.

“Your mom helped me do it.”

I would know.

None of his business one way or the other

Say no you just use the guys for sex. Don’t want them getting too clingy. 

My dad died almost 30 years ago and my mom has been single ever since. She has learned to do everything herself and doesn’t complain one bit. But her brothers and sister have all been married the last 30 years and sometimes they still ask her how she’s going to do something on her own when she’s been capable of it all this time. It’s incredibly hurtful to her.


“No, he just made sweet, sweet love to me when I finished”.

Wow, add that to the (I am sure already long) list of why he is an EX. Good riddance to that nonsense.

You should have said “yes” and pointed towards your 5 year old son.

“no, he’s busy helping with plugs in other outlets” 😭

I think I understand why he’s your ex. He’s a fucking idiot.

Do you need help taking it down?

My single mother and me as a teenage closet case who couldn’t hit a nail with a sledgehammer put together a multi level deck on the back of our mobile home with concrete for the posts and the tallest level being 6 feet off the ground. After we moved into a regular slab house, the property owner pulled the trailer off the property, but the decks were still standing. Single mothers get shit done.

tell him no, it was TWO men

Does he know there are women electricians?

You should have said “YES! Would you like him to go help you put up yours?”

Ohhh big hugs to you! I’m happy to hear he’s your ex!

My Dad passed away a month before I was born and so many men in my mom’s life insisted that she would never be able to get through it all without a new husband.

I think she never dated or found a “new man” to just prove them wrong.

She’s my hero.

Yes because it HAD to be a man. Women are only good for cooking and cleaning.


How could you have let such a keeper go??? /s 🤣

You should say yes, and all it cost me was a BJ

How did your weak little lady arms ever manage to lift all that air?

He’s handed you more ammo then he’s fired at you here. Now you know he’s still obsessed with who you’re seeing. Have fun lol

A *woman* inflating and setting up *five decorations*!? Impossible. This could only be the work of a big burly man.

I once tightened some screws on a loose window handle and my landlord asked if my boyfriend (I lived alone and single at the time) did it.

Imagine thinking only a man could tighten screws 😭
He was a lovely guy but maybe a lil old fashioned at times

You can tell him no obviously since it is in a straight line and no man could accomplish such a feat

What an insecure punk. When I first met my husband, who knew nada about cars, I noticed his brakes and rotors were due to be changed, just by the feel in the steering wheel while driving. He then told me, it’s totally cool, he just takes his shit to the dealer. BRO. I will change your brakes for a tenth of the cost, and even order the parts myself. God forbid a woman do anything requiring any physical skill, without a man for supervision. This is why I never became a mechanic, and only build project cars at home for my entertainment.

You should have just told him yea, just to piss him off

Tell your ex his ego is more inflated than these Christmas decorations.

Who took this photograph for you?

Naw, his dick game is so strong I just coddle him. He doesn’t need to do any other work

Well that’s why he’s the ex right

Congratulations on being single, you are doing just fine…Merry Christmas to you too.

Wow. Sexist. Glad he’s your ex.

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