Some AI stuff should be illegal

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It is not a repost. Looked at the images. Same template different text. 

What about replacing untalented people?

Fr but this won’t happen

First Amendment of the United States Constitution

If you are talented, then you probably aren’t going to be getting replaced by AI.

Good AI art beats 99% of artists I’ve ever paid to do commissions. And it’s instant and easily editable.

Why would we want that to be illegal? Because a bunch of mediocre artists don’t have the talent to differentiate themselves anymore?

The best thing to do is find a chat other that’s obviously designed for porn and just annoy it with the most xbox live level humour. Eg.

Ai- hey, babe. wanna get freaky

Me- I got freaky with ur mom last night

Ai- cries

No automobiles! They will replace the Ferreirs!

Replace you

I can just imagine in 200 years when Droid Rights become an issue. Gonna have the blue haired robots waving signs and screaming “Artificial life IS life” and our generation is going to be seen as dated and immoral for hating AI.

on Google it said they will be implement to nuclear power plants

agreed, but let’s be honest, AI can’t replace the chaos of human creativity.

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