The face of a 5-week-old fetus.

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Looks like an eyeless Admiral Ackbar.

Embryology is such an interesting field of science

Incredible what has to go right in order to have a healthy baby

The spice must flow

Claim as a dependent on your taxes.

*Why not Zoidberg?*

You looked like this, once.

“Got any games on your phone”


Typically the embryonic stage lasts from about from about the third week and it doesn’t become a fetus until the ninth week. Zygote<Embryo<Fetus<Baby


Anyone know what the features are? I’m assuming the eyes and ears are at the top, and then the bottom is not-yet differentiated nose and mouth.


That’s no fetus, that’s an embryo

Put that shit on those billboards.


We have just folded space from Ix lookin mf

Mom said it is my turn on the nintendo

thought this was a up close pic of flee or mite lol

The kind of face only a mother could love

Am I seeing what could become a cleft lip/palate? Just guessing what’s what here.


Nah I’ve seen Pans Labyrinth! You can’t trick me!!

Looks like a dolphin fetus

Looks like a meso-American sculpture of a whale

We’ve all been there

>The face of a 5-week-old fetus.

What species?

Nightmare fuel

What a dickhead.

Not to be *that person*, but I’m going to be that person. There is no such thing as a 5 week old fetus, if you’re referring to humans. The fetal stage doesn’t start until the 9th week. This is an embryo.

Which, by the way, is the point in gestation at which the majority of abortions occur.


Not much has changed really

Holy shit we are all Saru

Is that a Canadian fetus?


Looks like the back of my uncles head.

You can see the middle part where if something were to go wrong with the gene signalling how a cleft palate might form

That’s amazing. Seeing how we all started is pretty cool.

So amazing! You can tell what will become the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. It’s truly incredible how many things have to go perfectly, to have a healthy baby.


That’s not a fetus, it’s an embryo. An embryo doesn’t develop into fetus until around week 8.

Ah yes, a fully formed human with more rights than adult women. MURICA

It already has more rights than me.

Hey pro lifers, THIS is what’s getting aborted not a 20 week+ fetus.

It’s soo… cute!

What does it want from us?

That’s really cool!

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