Just found this in my cabinet. I really need to leave this website…

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I really miss the Reddit gift exchanges

Remember that time a bunch of redditors got together for a reddit meet up and then took group photos? And then some of them took topless group photos?

I remember.

I remember too much.

I was there Gandalf…

Dozens of us!

We have an OG over here

Yup just had my 13th cake day yesterday

I miss digg.com. The old one.

“Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.”

I did a secret Santa and there was one where you sent someone snacks too. I didn’t receive anything back on either of them 😔

Ah I barely missed it. Lol I think they were still doing gift exchanges for another couple years after that but I was always a broke college kid

I loved doing the gift exchange until I got stiffed one year 🙁

15 year club checking in

Aww man. I participated in the ugly mug exchange one year and my match never sent me one. I did send my match the ugliest handmade ceramic face mug from the 70’s I could find and they loved it.


I hit 14yrs here next month…

Damn have I been on this site for 14 years already? That’s crazy…

Ahh — my account is old enough to vote now!

When I look back at all the time.ive spent on this site, it makes me very sad.

So… is this something we can’t do, anymore? I’d be down for some gift swapping. It is the holidays, after all.

I still have a cookbook from one of the holiday swaps! It’s from North Carolina, I think? I might still have the t-shirt he sent, too? I also have a cross stitch from a swap that’s a piece of pizza and says “fuck yeah pizza” hanging on my wall haha.

Back when Ama’s weren’t adds onlyfans bots weren’t everywhere and the narwal bacon’s at midnight.

Like you have something better to do?
Have yourself a nice cup of coffee and you’ll have time to reconsider.

this is endearing

I always think the same thing, then I always come back.

Sad I missed this trend

I remember reading either Gaben or Bill Gates who participated in reddit gift exchange post and it was cute. It’s one of the wholesome reddit thing besides the billion cats subreddit

It’s been a long time since the narwhal baconed.

Huh, I was here, but I don’t remember mug exchanges. Love Reddit lore, but damn we are getting old. Lol

My little brother got me involved with the Gift exchange after our mom died. I loved it. I guess I do gifting right – had a legacy of trophies from my exchanges. I even enjoyed the Christmas card exchange.

12 years, 9 months….. Damn

Young man!!

2008 checking in.

There’s kids on here that were born when you got this mug 🙁

Yea I just had my 13th cake day. I need to go outside sometimes.

Join Lemmy with the rest of us deserters. It’s become robust.

Damn. I feel seen.

“13 year club” member here too.

I never did any of the exchanges though.

My favourite toque is from a hat exchange a couple years back.

Pfft, get a load of this guy’s mug!

Wow! I didn’t start them, but I probably would have one of those as well…. Now I want to look for one (mug exchange)

Same. But to where?

I miss when the narwhal baconed at midnight

I just realized I have been on here 17 years. It has certainly lost its way compared with b3ta, which is where I found out about it..

This place was so much better back then

Why do you need to leave?

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