What movie caused you to have a “WTF did I just watch?” moment after viewing?

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Poor Things had me going “WTF” after about 2 minutes.

The lighthouse. Still think about it

Bone Tomahawk. There’s a scene in there that genuinely freaked me out.

Eraserhead. I was 14 and knew nothing going in.

Hundreds of movies, but the last one is probably The Substance

Midsommar was a pure wtf type of movie for me

Oldboy (American).

Different kinda wtf – Swiss Army Man

Kinds of Kindness (2024) was a huge “WTF did I just watch?”

Saltburn 😂 i took my friend with me to see it. we went into it completely blind and I think I traumatized her lol but I loved the final scene 🕺


Green Inferno


The Exorcism of Emily Rose


Everything Everywhere All at Once

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Requiem for a Dream

Mother! 2017 i was in deprese after watch 3/4 of this movie

Videodrome….Fucked up!

The Men Who Stare at Goats

The Box



Lol the remake as well technically ha ha

The Matrix Resurrections.

I felt trapped in someone’s awful fan fiction.

Saltburn was wacky

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas



The Thing. 1982.

Beau is afraid, I loved it and was confused at the same time.

Still Irreversible…

I thought poor things was really good 🫣

Anything by Lars Von Trier

Rise of Skywalker. Seriously I wasted 40 years of fandom for this shit?

Movie 48

What are the movies pictured here?

Black Swan

Human Centipede

Too many bad ones to count.

Two horror movies that had genuinely unsettling moments were Hereditary (2018) and The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007).

Greasy Strangler.

There is no competition.

2001: a space odyssey, the ending was crazy on first watch


A Clockwork Orange


Event Horizon (I sat in shock wanting to scream and never stop screaming.)

Suspiria, 2018. I loved it but was definitely shellshocked by it for a minute lmao

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters.

Literally just a long ATHF episode. I said WTF after 11 minutes.

The Marvels

Silence of the Lambs.

The Lobster – terrible, awful and so depressing…there are more but the first one that came to my mind

Mad God

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