Something about this gives off madlass energy despite it not being intentional

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I am 100% convinced that’s not how any of that works, you don’t just tell a person they have dementia and send them on hteir way, especially at that age

If you don’t realize your grandma has dementia, even one year after her doctor diagnosed it, than you are a terrible grand daughter.

This sub is turning into just another random shit posting place 🙁

I firmly believe that’s not how it operates. Particularly at that age, you can’t simply inform someone that they have dementia and send them on their way. The situation is even more intricate than that!

How do digital images manage to keep losing resolution over time?

Grandma really said, “I’ll forget to tell you so you forget you even found out”

This happens so many times, to so many people, here on reddit…..

I mean it’s a joke that’s probably older than the user posting it?

I have a feeling I’m going to hell for laughing at this (and y’all will too)

If the person writes doctors apartment instead of appointment (app) I find it hard to believe them.

I’m not a doctor, but pretty sure a ‘Here’s your diagnosis, have a nice day!’ isn’t the best way to handle this.

That’s both funny and kind of sad at the same time.

I may have Alzheimer’s, but at *least* I don’t have *Alzheimer’s!*

I only had to read the first row to know the joke, that’s how often this gets reposted everywhere. Stop it

It’s not “madlad”, dementia is a fucking tragedy.

Awwww this isn’t real 🙂

In all seriousness, if you have a parent or loved one over 70-75 or so, even if you don’t have any reason to believe they have dementia, *go to their doctor visits with them*. Go *into* the exam room (you can always step out momentarily for modest purposes). Be in on the conversation with the doctor.

Especially as we age, there is a torrent of information regarding the health issues we accumulate and it is good to have two sets of ears taking it all in. It is also important for volunteering information to the doctor about the patient’s complaints and observations that they themselves may forget or be too embarrassed to mention.

This happens in Cougar Town too

That something is probably the name.

Well, many people with Dementia don’t believe (or simply can’t remember) they have it. The brain goes to some crazy lengths to rationalize stuff. My MIL is going thru this, and it’s a lot of arguing about it – “That’s just old age!”.

Plus if he’s not her normal caretaker, he might never have been told.

Frontpage also have dementia and forgotten this has been in everyone’s feed a hundred times by now.

This is simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking

My Dad was quite upset last week cos he’d just been diagnosed with dementia.

He was diagnosed in July.


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