Two pairs of jeans from the same brand, same size

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I don’t understand what’s going on with jeans sizes. It seems to me that they are all completely different. Any jeans of any brand.

I’m pretty sure women’s clothing manufacturers use a random number generator to choose the label.

I can’t understand why they wouldn’t be sized by waist/inseam.

This really boils my piss.

This is why it takes us gals three hours to buy clothes, because we literally have to try on every single item we wish to buy. You can’t just go to the jeans section to get “your size” off the rack and check out. Each one is cut different.

I’ve dropped some weight so decided to buy new jeans. My old jeans are waist 30/women’s 10. The new jeans, same brand and style are waist 28 and somehow women’s size 6. I don’t think two inches in the waist equals two whole dress sizes. Not to mention, waist sizes go by even numbers so what size would a size 8 in these jeans be?

Two pairs of *women’s* jeans, you mean. I’m constantly amazed at the level of shit women put up with. (I guess in life in general, when you come right down to it, but certainly with regards to clothing.)

Alright so I’m glad there’s proof I’m not crazy. I’m very picky with pants and I always told me I could get a brand of jeans or pants, same size, same fit. But as soon as I pick a different color it’s all off! Like what the heck?!

Fit Jeans, more like unfit jeans

Maybe its a fit thing. I know that there are different fits/cuts like slim fit, regular, wide etc. Maybe the blue one is a wide cut and the black a thight gut like slimfit. I hate this too

The black jeans are an Asian large.

Told my bf I can’t order jeans online without trying them on and he said “but don’t you know your size?” I mean yeah, but these brands don’t!

As a trans man one of the best parts of transitioning for me was jeans. I know I’m a 38/30 or close in every brand I couldn’t tell you what size I am in a single brand of women’s jeans because they’re so drastically different it’s ridiculous! I feel so bad for people who wear feminine clothing

Any clothing using s m l xl will be like that cause they have different cut styles. I could go get 10 shirts all size medium that are different cuts and they’ll fit completely differently from each other. That’s why jeans are better sized with actual dimensions instead of the s m l xl method

Yeah I bought the same brand of jeans at Walmart. Same exact style. One was blue denim, one black. I didn’t try the black ones on when I got them because they were the same brand/fit. I had to take them back and go two sizes up in the black.

And my husband wears Levi’s and gets the same fit as well. He bought 4 pr one time – only diff was colours. Two of them fit too small. Checked the tags – they were made in different countries.

That maybe explains why I never find the right jeans.

I know they say black is slimming, but this is ridiculous!

I’m not joking when I say that stuff like this has contributed to my terrible self-image over the years.

Why aren’t women’s pants sized like men’s pants? It’s literally just the measurement of your waist and legs

Children’s large vs adult large?

My favorite store is Anthropologie. They don’t take returns on sale items. I’ve had to argue that I’ve bought 2xl from their online store that are too small and L that are too big. How TF is someone supposed to be able to buy things online? The answer? “that’s why we make if final sale; so we can get rid of the stuff”.

Is one of them Large American size and the other Large Asian sized?

I feel your pain, did a kind of similar thing with undies yesterday. Had been putting off buying them for months and finally caved at a nice 50% off Calvin Klein sale only to realise I got a size S pair that fits and 3 size M pairs that don’t (they are way too fucking small). I’m guessing they were somehow teenage sizing but nothing marked them as such they were just on a sale rack and look exactly like normal adult stuff. Couldn’t try on either. I hope you can return the jeans at least bc I can’t return my undies, lol. FINALLY DECIDED TO PRIORITISE UNDIES and look where I ended up😫

Who the FUCK sizes jeans “L”

Obviously they are fit jeans…you are supposed to get fit for the next pair 🤣🤣🤣. I’ll show myself out.

Maybe oned an adult large and one is a kids large?

Large for women. Large for men.

Looks like someone put a youth large in with the adult size. Same thing happened to my wife when she got t-shirts to print on.
When you go to return them it would be worth checking the other black large jeans out just to be sure.

Blue jeans: L = Large

Black jeans: L = Little

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