Dolph Lundgren reveals he’s cancer-free following 9-year battle after doctors gave him only 2 years.

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Dolph: Cancer, I must break you…!

If he lives, he lives.

“He’s not human…he’s like a piece of iron.”

-Dolph’s dead cancer

Dolph Lundgren beating cancer? Dude’s an absolute legend! Just like his characters, he’s all about fighting through the toughest stuff. If you needed proof of real-life strength, here it is!

Some might say he’s a Universal Soldier!

Prove them wrong!!

Kicked Skeletor’s ass and cancer thinks it has a chance!?

Crime, penetration, crime, penetration, crime, penetration. And this sort of goes on for 90 minutes or so until it just sort of ends.

The true superhero. At least mine anyways

Good thing it wasn’t nose cancer, how else will he smell crime?

Thundergun never surrenders

Mans treating cancer like he did Apollo Creed.


(as an aside, pet hate is headlines saying “doctors only gave them X years”. Doctors HATE the question, because there is such a large individual variation.. and only when pushed they’ll say “average will be X but..” and everything after that is forgotten).

“If he dies he dies” – Dolph Lundgren to cancer.

He outsmarted it. (I mean, he *is* a Rhodes Scholar.)

Hooray !!!

No hesitation. No Surrender. No man left behind.

Can he still smell crime?

Finally Gordon Ramsay wears a hairnet in the kitchen.

Thats Thundergun for you!


How is he still so dang attractive

Grattis, Hans!

He outsmarted it. 

Fuck yeah. Dolph and his Doctors kicked cancer’s ass.

“I lived, bitch”

Hell yeah good for him

Doesn’t he have a very high IQ?

Fuck yeah

Fuck yeah!

I lost my father and grandfather to cancer. Thank you Dolph, for keeping your light burning, it brings joy to know that someone won.

Cancer should have known better. Dolph ain’t the one to mess with. THAT is a MAN!

If he lives, he lives

No doctor is “giving” you your life expectation. All they say is that statistically 2 years of life is at the end of the long tail of survivors 

He punched cancer, and won. 🏆

Here’s the thing.. we show it. We show all of it. Because what’s the one thing missing from most action movies?

A successful recovery from a secret cancer battle, dude.

I must break you

I feel sorry for the cancer…. never stood a chance

Do doctors really give you an estimate of how long you have to live in case of terminal illness?

Fuck cancer!

Yall ever think doctors lowball survival rates just in case? I’m not saying it’s a bad thing (because worst case the patient was warned and best case they are given hope) I’m just curious

Way to go, Dolph! Glad you’re doing well!

In a mesh tank top

It’s because he kept going back to the lab

I hope he’s ready to be challenged by Jake Paul.

If he dies, he dies.

And hes back out there smelling crime…

TIL Dolph Lundgren HAD cancer.

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