I see that as an upgrade over a turkey. You ever seen the green goblin bend over? ?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5851075d73f1b65624a76c748690a321dbb25ae8
I don’t know how he could’ve possibly expected anything from that request. I feel like I’m peering into a parallel universe where sexy turkey costumes are just like a common regular thing.
3 months ago

3 months ago
3 months ago
Goblin OC? More like Goblin ‘Oh, Come on!’ – this little dude’s got more layers than my Netflix queue.
I see that as an upgrade over a turkey. You ever seen the green goblin bend over?
i was expecting /u/sellyourcomputer’s kind of gobblin’
What does it mean to dress gobblin’?
I’m scared
Wow you are fast. This meme of Spider-Man being a Thanksgiving movie is like only a few days old.
This comic implies that it’s a normal and common fetish to lust after women in turkey costumes.
And I’m not saying it’s not, but like, taken at face value, literally nothing about this comic makes any sense at all.
“you’re pathetically predictable. Like moth to the flame.”
I don’t know how he could’ve possibly expected anything from that request. I feel like I’m peering into a parallel universe where sexy turkey costumes are just like a common regular thing.

Goblin OC? More like Goblin ‘Oh, Come on!’ – this little dude’s got more layers than my Netflix queue.
At least she didnt dress as a goblin deez
C(O)me on in! (C)oming!
Nice Gobblin reference
She cool
“I really hate those things.”
Stuffing the Turkey…
she should have dressed as the mind goblin
I would propose on the spot
That’s funny
[Needs more McRib](https://youtu.be/1gd_aC3Ig_I?si=ttErdQ8kC290bE54)
Turning your boy into bones with that bomb☠
a goblin trick indeed