Which movie has a brutal scene that made you shocked?

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When they bury Joe Pesci and you can see heโ€™s still breathing/alive always freaked me out.

American History X curb stomp really shocked me and Iโ€™d seen loads more shocking things before (and since) that but it just stayed with me.

Trainspotting. They wake up from doing herion for a couple days straight to find they not only neglected their baby, they baby died in its crib.

Misery. She hobbles his feet and they show his foot go around the side of the wood plank.

Bone Tomahawk (2015) – Captured scene

Panโ€™s Labyrinth. The bottle scene.

Eden Lake. They put a tyre over a kids head, down over his arms, and set him on fire.

Second comment in a row Iโ€™ve said it, but Robocop. Murphyโ€™s death.

Django Unchained, when Candy sets his dogs on a runaway slave. That scene was absolutely cruel and visceral.

The D Day landing in Saving Private Ryanโ€ฆ

RIP Private Mellish (Saving Private Ryan)

Antichrist, with the scissors โœ‚๏ธ

Irreversible…fire extinguisher to skull.

Zodiac stabbing couple at the lake always gets me.

Obligatory Hereditary decapitation

Burn After Reading โ€” when George Clooney shoots Brad Pitt in the head while heโ€™s hiding in his closet.

One out of left field? Jojo Rabbit when he saw his mom hung, literally came out the blue

One that made me pass out? V/h/s 2 where the zombie was pulling out the guys guts. But it was funny when the guy turned into a zombie and got up like the undertaker looking at the zombies eating him like โ€œwhat the fuck you guys doing eating meโ€

When Zed takes Marcellus Wallace in the back room

Doctor Sleep. Genuinely can’t believe how that scene was allowed in the film

The Mist.

The ending.

That scene in Wind River; if youโ€™ve seen the movie, you know which one Iโ€™m talking about. It made me so uncomfortable, disturbed and sad. It was an important scene nonetheless, for that very reason.

Schindlersโ€™s List has some brutal scenes in it, but the one that sticks with me is at the end when Schindler is thinking about all the extra people he could have saved with the few possessions he had left. Made my heart sink.

The blood orgy in Event Horizon. You barely make out what’s going on but it makes you go “WTF”?!!!

The electrotherapy/orgy/amputation scene in Requiem for a Dream.

Midsommar. With the sledgehammer.

Deliverance. W T A F. I had no idea what was happening, until I did. Christ.

All quite on the western front, the scene in the crater with the two men

Had to skip it the second time I watched it

The Last King of Scotland. The woman, you know who/what. And then the hooks. Absolutely horrifying.

Not a movie, but when Ralphie beats the stripper to death in The Sopranos. Just brutal to watch

The scene in Walking Dead where Negan kills Abraham and Glenn.

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