Despite its issues it’s crazy how much better this game is than any bethesda/ubisoft open world game

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I was given a quest by some drunk dudes in a bar to put some vodka in a guy’s stashes to treat his radiation, and thought to myself “hey what if I put anti-rad drugs in there instead?” at the first one, so I put one in and moved to the next area. When I met the guy later, the game actually picked up on it and the guy thanked me since he was trying to get sober, and I was able to tell him it was my idea and he paid me for it.

The map is the perfect amount of empty.

The game actually scratches that FO3 itch I’ve had brewing for years and it’s just sooo good

Just wish I was able to get through the main story without needing to wait for an update so I don’t >! lose the first town !<

I wish people could learn to raise something up without putting something down.

Any recent game of theirs sure, don’t go disrespecting Skyrim or fallout, or the earlier ac’s/far cry’s

Graphic and sound design is amazing but other than that the world feels desolate. For me the worst part is that all the loot is 4 pieces of food/drinks and ammo. Every stalker’s “habar” is sausage and vodka.
For a game from 2024 thats shallow. Feels like playing CoD in semiopen world


Itโ€™s starting to feel like you guys are trying to convince yourselves the game is better than it is.

This is a game where I don’t mind backtracking and just enjoy walking through the world. The music, the ambience, the other wordly vibe, are masterfully done. I don’t care the game has bugs. The rest of the game is so well realized.


Better than Skyrim?

Good lord the glazing has reached all new heights

>Despite its issues it’s crazy how much better this game is than any bethesda/ubisoft open world game

Well OP, that’s not a very high bar to be honest

โ€œKeep telling people Iโ€™m having fun. Keep telling people Iโ€™m having fun. Keep telling people Iโ€™m having funโ€ฆโ€

not even NEAR the quality of Skyrim, im sorry if you are bamboozled by shiny graphics

For real, bought star field pre-release and regretted it past my refund mark. I think for this game with as many bugs as it got I would’ve kept it over star field 100000%

What? Fallout 4 has a way better open world. Map is smaller yes but it has like x50 more things to do.

Oh look, it is bethesda bashing again! How exciting.

*looks closer*

“Better than bethesda open worlds”? Yea man I sure love it when I sprint all the way from A to B and run across absolutely nothing in the meanwhile. Or while exploring. Bethesda sure can’t craft an interesting open world huh, yknow, the thing they are known for?

I’m sorry but the game is pretty empty and the AI is worse than Fallout 3 AI (a great game btw).

Itโ€™s okay but I feel like itโ€™s a little too empty still. An actual A-Life system would help with this though ๐Ÿ‘€

Weird to come after other games for literally no reason

Why must people put down other games in order to praise another? Just say how good the game is on its own merits.

Pointless negativity is so tiring.

Itโ€™s kinda crazy how delusional this fanbase is. The game came out dogshit, yet the fanbase still defends it. Itโ€™s full of bugs, They fucked up A Life 2.0, removed it from the description on steam because they knew they fucked up, yet still the fanbase will hang you for pointing out the ugly. This is why we canโ€™t have nice things, companies know they can just release dogshit games and fans will do an emotional purchase. Like OP here, who feels the need to bash other companies/games for some reason like itโ€™s gonna help fix stalker 2. Anyways, I really hope they fix A life 2.0, and drop that multiplayer. Something tells me though it might a good while.

Talk about a circle jerk

Starfield is underwhelming, but GSC would kill to make something half as successful as a Bethesda game

The delusional glazing is real.

Game is a broken mess.

It will be great…*if and when* they can fix the boatload of problems it released with.

It’s supposedly quite broken past the 20 hour mark, as well.

I get it, yall love stalker.

I get it, they made it during a war.

Doesn’t make the game any less broken or incomplete.

I’ll play it in 6 months or a year, maybe at that point *some* of what you guys say about it will be true.

This game is great and made with love but simply not comparable to true bethesda games and their content, stalker 2 got like 3 side missions per region at max


before i begin i want to preface this by saying that this is merely my opinion and not fact. if you feel differently, i respect that immensely. anyways, here’s what i think of the game currently:

despite whatever you believe about a-life, i still think the world without it is fairly interesting, albeit in a different way. sure, it’s not quite alive, but it does generate tension and suspense due to the eerie atmosphere from the emptiness. the random spawn system feeds into the tension and suspense as well, because you’ll never know what’s spawning in to kill you and when. sure, it has its myriad of issues, and i do miss old a-life, but it’s fine for now. yes, it’s undeniable that a-life 2.0 would make this game 100x better, however, i can appreciate what the current system does for the game, even though that’s not likely what was intended

Im genuinely enjoying this game but it is absolutely not better than Fallout 3, NV, or 4. Theres no way that you can say this is better when literally the last half of the game is completely broken and untested, the AI they promised is non existent, the world feels completely empty, the loot is boring and its looting the same 10 items over and over, no crafting, no reward for killing the mutants, the list goes on. Its a fun game but lets be reasonable here

this feels better then any AAA game ive even heard of in the last 10 years.

Sometimes the graphics in the actual game match the prerenders in 2021… crazy stuff.


Ehhh…both have pluses and minuses…..

Fallout 4 is better if you really want to compare.

– Loot in many different places.
– Working AI.
– Playable game status.
– No constant game breaking bugs.
– Caps actually make sense in the barter system.

– Ultimate edition fallout 4: 80 euros.
– Ultimate edition stalker: 110 euros.

No clue how you could say it’s better, this game is broken and unfinished.

I played a 4 euro game called night bus yesterday, it was great! No bugs, no weird issues, stable frame rate. I’d go as far as saying that was better.

Bro I’ve been so conditioned by Bethesda games, every time I open a door I expect a loading screen to pop up. This some PTSD.

care to explain why or is this post just bot karma farming?

I disagree.

Despite having hundreds of hours, I can log back in to Skyrim, mod it and have a blast.

I played stalker like 15 hours or so, It’s like a worse stalker::gamma mechanically, with better visuals. That’s how it feels so far. Here is a list what I found.

– Bugs, tons of them. I tricked myself saying it’s just an another anomaly of the zone and kept playing. This includes but not limited to visual/sound/gameplay bugs.

– Enemies in general don’t react when hit and are spongy. Feels like a 2010 game. Even mass effect back then had these. If I’m hitting you with a 12 gauge at point blank range, the least you could do is maybe fall down or stumble??? Ah also other humans have aimbot like aim and they can see in pitch black whereas you can’t.

– Stealth, I found to be non existent. AI also thinks you are gone if you run away for 50 meters or so. They also think you are “lost” if you break line of sight. It’s mostly bad, but sometimes enemies make good moves and surprise you.

– I liked the side missions but they are few.

– Bandits spawn like 10 minutes after you down them. Bumping onto same bandits each time I leave zarissaya felt immersion breaking.

– I can’t distinguish between neutral-foe. GAMMA was better in this aspect.

– I liked the mutants.

– Repair/upgrade costs and ammo cost is too high. But that is not a big deal.

– Quests are meh. I find this dude on the tower because he stole ward pda’s and he asks me to go to a cave blah blah `BOOM you are dead I take the pda’s now.`. Why the fuck, would I, go risk my ass for someone I don’t even know. There is no incentive for me to help because they didn’t bother that much with writing. I would’ve expected more immersive quests. Monolithian one was good but ended up nowhere. We still told lens that monolith captured the stalker and killed the others even though that was not the case and we knew it.

– Graphics are good.

I hope it opens up as game progresses and patches come.

These days the open worlds are so boring and there’s no reward for exploration but with Stalker 2, there’s always something interesting to go after.ย 

Either a unique gun, ammo supply, armor, artifacts or just a pretty view or a landmark. Or maybe you’ll come across a new questline.

Never played a stalker game before this one, usually a big Fallout fan but holy sh*t this game.. itโ€™s like 10 times better than Fallout. The guns, the atmosphere, the lonely feeling, that eerie lingering feeling of danger whenever you leave a safe-zone. It makes Fallout seem like itโ€™s made by a bunch of losers.

The thing is, you can see the potential of this game getting very good with a few patches and changes and the mods will be insane. Where Bethesda doesn’t have any potential in their cookie cutter games.

We can praise one game without putting down another, right?

is this stalker one or two

The game is an absolute train wreck right now. Horrible performance with constant crashes and save issues.

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