I don’t get it, Peter

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Just read the comments and I still don’t get it? How’s the blue guy with the knee problem involved in the bottom panel?

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Peter’s cousin, santa claus here. it is based off of this meme thats popular right now
comment image?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8fc4a3b73d46596a8afd13b22a57562f6886235

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Also the comic was edited since its a stonetoss one

comment image?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b45abf8cf30a9fe0733fec8bed0dcea07f50cf

This is a surprisingly benign and inoffensive comic by a nazi shitbag who typically makes racist and antisemitic far-right comics. It’s referencing [this meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/blue-grinch-that-feeling-when-knee-surgery-is-tomorrow).

comment image?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0316a7aa48f26f0d471c0ff121f436fc5449729f

Well its stone toss so something to do with nazis

Edit: per the comments, I was right lmao

The comic looks like stonetoss.

Who is a NAZI.


Then I took a Grinch to the knee…

I hit my knees today I’m gonna need that surgery

Knee surgery

That’s Pebblepunt’s artstyle, a nazi. I don’t get the political message though.

I hate stonetoss but if you add one more panel it would look kinda like loss

stonetoss is a nazi

It’s already been explained, so I don’t need to add to the clear answer given.

However, I have to say that it is honestly so weird to see a StoneToss comic that isn’t just a series of baked-in dogwhistles. But, here it is hahaha

What about the 6th January shown in the last panel?
Is this political? Blue Grinch = Democrat?

That feeling when knee surgery is tomorrow.

Stonetoss (the artist that drew the comic) while mostly known for being a pretty vile neo-nazi will sometimes draw apolitical comics to draw in people that might be turned off by his more fascist comics. This comic is an example of that strategy featuring nonsense Internet humor. Other examples include the 4 panel comic with the heart, kidneys lungs and brain, in which each organ is being helpful to the body while the brain simply says “kill yourself”

,, 2d2

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