House Tree – Gator Days

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A special tree for a special time of the year, or something like that.

Just wait until she discovers the ornamentsโ€ฆ

Damn, I’m early. Guess I’ll keep this tab open so I can see all the comment comics ๐Ÿ˜

> We can only handle so much special

summarizes how my dogs feel when we take care of my stepbrothers dog

That elf on the shelf is something out of a horror movie with how much itโ€™s moving. Someone get a bat.


Iโ€™m sure sheโ€™s saying โ€œSo can you dress me up as much as the house tree?โ€

Showed this to my dad.

He loved it.

We used to joke about keeping the tree up all year because we hated taking it down.

i wanna know what happens when she discovers the house elf

she wasntr ready for the truth

I agree with her! We need to leave the House Tree up year-round!!

I love how she says “BRUDDER”. I’m German and we say “Bruder” if we mean “brother” ๐Ÿ™‚

My dad only put up the Christmas tree on 22. Definitely to make it the most special and not because he does it in the last possible time

All these characters are amazing.


my mom sometimes put little chocolates in the tree that we found over the days.

she put only so many in every 2/3 days because my dad would always try to eat them all.

Well, she *is* the most special. Maybe she should be on the tree.

this is cute, makes me wanna see the brother in a fight to protect his sister

I mean, it’s not a terrible idea. Red white and blue ornaments for the fourth of July. Halloween bats and spiders and webs with a jack o’ lantern at the top.


What they don’t realize is that tree is the same tree from last year, and the last year, and the last year, and the last year, and the last year, and the last year…

I think we all know who the top ornament is.

At least it isn’t a real tree? (If it is the pine needles falling off could be said it gets less special its left up?)

You are my specialZ

Always enjoy putting the tree up because it is tradition for one of the cats to climb in it.
The cat is named Monkey for this reason.

Christmas gremlins xD

Okay what about that popcorn strings Iโ€™ve seen people put on their trees ๐Ÿ‘€

Damn. People haven’t even pooped out the turkey yet and we’re already transitioning into Christmas.

Since she is a capybara, the tree _is_ the snack.

Had no idea the capybara was a guy. This whole time the face has made me think they were a girl

our tree actually stays up year round. it’s our holiday tree, and we decorate it differently for various holidays.

I love that she always look diabolical (in a good way).

That girl is like 99% chaos by volume, while Liam is just chill, like man is unbothered, moisturised, happy, in his lane, focused and flourishing

โ€œAnd by special, you mean?โ€

This has the comedic tone and timing of a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon and I love it.

Is there a published book of these I can buy?

Upvoting Gator Days is a crime against humanity. It has to be bots right?

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