Joe Rogan is a fake independent.

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Didn’t Spotify give him a hundred million? Or am I misremembering?

Rogan has never been on par with Carlin, never.

Is Joe Rogan a comedian? Genuinely asking, I’ve never seen his show. But when I go on YouTube I just see clips where he either smokes and talks gibberish or listens unquestioningly while some expert/”expect” talks and talks and talks

He has never made me laugh or seemed to want to attempt a joke. Based on the kinds of things that get clipped nobody even seems to care about Rogan, just his guests?? I really don’t know what to think about the guy

He was never even close to Carlin… Just putting them in the same paragraph is an insult to Carlin.

Wasn’t even close to being like Carlin!

Carlin was funny, and intelligent. He knew his politics.

I’d like to believe if Phil Hartman was still alive he’d be very very ashamed of his friend.

Carlin would lampoon Rogan

Carlin would be pissed to hear himself compared to Rogan.

I knew the US was in DEEP trouble when multiple people started asking me “Did you hear what Joe Rogan said about *insert serious health condition”.

And this was coming from a JRE guest.

No shit, he endorsed trump…


Bro knows which side of his bread is buttered. Find a way to get some positive attention for Trump and you will have it made

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Carlin and Rogan shouldn’t even be in the same sentence!

Within his “comedy” club, this cretinous fool has a picture of one of his “comedy“ albums on the same wall as legends like George Carlin and Richard Pryor. These men were social watchdogs, storytellers, and actual comedians; Chode Rogaine is a very lucky man who thinks he is made from the same cloth as them. He is not *remotely* like them; the only laughs he gets are from his sycophantic crew of troglodyte toadies or at his own expense because again, this motherfucker is not and has never been funny.

He has morphed into a fat gorbles

In Italy we have a saying: If you’re neither with the left nor with the right, you’re with the right.

I have been a fan of JRE since episode 19. When I first started listening to it was filled with lower end comedians and funny stories or interesting guests presenting ideas ive never heard of. I only casually listen now I’d say since probably 2018 19 it’s gotten more and more propaganda and people acting like there warriors for the truth and only they speak it. Not even the content has the same vibe. I understand in order to make more money they had to go in that direction. I do miss when it was Joey diaz talking about robbing hookers and dealers compared to random Billionare telling people why they need more government assistance.

This loser wearing a protect the parks hoody is crazy when his number #1 guy wants to literally defund and destroy all of our national parks for corporate chuds

I don’t think he claims to be an independent he fully endorsed Trump

Calling Joe Rogan a comedian is like calling Steven Seagal a ninja or a guitarist

Its nice that Kyle finally pried his lips off Rogan’s sphincter

it wasn’t refusing to travel for Harris ..

it was refusing to travel for Harris for only doing a one hour podcast, with predetermined questions, not live, and edited to her teams standards.

I wouldnt put my name on that garbage either if I was Rogan .

I feel like this is the case with a lot of famous independent personalities. Asmongold comes to mind.

Reddit with the dumbest takes

What they won’t tell you is Harris wanted him to come to her to do a one-hour scripted interview.

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