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The tailing missions in AC black flag

(Technically more than one, but still)

Far Harbor in Fallout 4 with the VR puzzle mission

Vice City RC helicopter on construction site? Anyone?

All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ!

Every single game with a forced stealth segment

Library – Halo CE

Yoga in GTA V

Far cry 3 when you have to protect the plane

Max Payne the blood trail maze.

Dragon Age: Origins – The Fade (Circle Tower)

Skyrim when I get to the Blackreach part. I always speed run it.

Spiderman when you’re MJ

Skyrim. The intro


Cyberpunk’s prologue. I love it, but it’s just so long and I’ve played through it so many times, it always puts me off playing another playthrough

CoD:WaW – Relentless mission from the campaign on Veteran…

Grenades Galore, only time I have put a controller down for about a week before retrying

All brain dance sections in Cyberpunk 2077. They were really cool the first time, but now I try and skip through them ASAP

Timed quest. Gives me stress 

Gta 5 is still an excellent game, but that whole mission with the cranes on the docks can fuck right off.

Battletoads sewer jet ski level

The game is someone postings this exact thing multiple times a week and pretending like this is a new thing.

Resident evil 4 playing as ashley

rdr2 (my all time fav) that island we go to

Twilight Princess – Everything leading up to the first Temple (after your first playthrough).

Blight Town. Every time

Labyrinth Zone.

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