In 1974, Egyptian officials issued a passport to Ramesses II so it can get into France

By prizd
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I’m unaware that even if you’re dead, you still need a passport as one of the travel pass to go to a different country. Also, what’s the reason why he needs to go to Paris?

Looks better than my passport photo.

This makes him the most powerful Egyptian pharaoh in all of Egyptian history. He’s the only pharaoh that got to fly first class.


This seems like more like publicity stunt, than actually required, goddammit, now I’ve got a rabbit hole to explore.

Edit: that was quick, this is an artists rendition, the “real” one has never been publicly shown.

It also makes me question on if it’s an actual passport that was issued, or just a mistranslation and is a less headline grabbing form that was filed to get Ramesses II into France.

Profession: King (deceased). If they were going through all that trouble they should have at least listed Pharaoh on his passport. Amiright?

He was dying to go to Paris.

They are some strong cheek bones 🦴

Thought you weren’t supposed to smile in your passport photo…

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DOB 1303 BC…..

Profession: King Ramesses II


Date of birth: man is old

Did King Tut also get a Passport for his several USA and World tours? GIF is comedian Steve Martin doing his King Tut – Funky Tut – Gave his life for Tourism act


Still made him take his shoes off at the airport. Lol

I wasn’t aware barcodes existed in 1974

Rejected. He’s smiling.

Barcodes weren’t used on passports/visas in 1974.

I dunno.  These damn pictures always make us look older.

Customs arrested him for trying to smuggle suspicious “herbs” inside his body

Denied entry because his eyes were closed in the photo

He looks good for his age.


Well it has expired if he wants to get back into the EU

At least he smiled for the picture!



Did he have to present his vaccination status as well?

Better yet, he left no carbon footprint!

Wtf how come he’s allowed to smile in his picture but I’m not.  Rules for me but not for thee I see…

99% of comments are jokes but this is an amazing work around.

I love when politics takes back seat to reason…I mean it always will of course.

Looks great for his age

It’s actually crazy how well preserved his body was after 3 thousand plus years

Lovely smile 😄

They used actual photos inserted and sealed into the passport at that time

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