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“I used to be President of the United States. I still am, but I used to be, too.”

Id do this to anyone who sat down beside me and had the nerve to speak to me.

Nah…. “You’d get up and slowly back away”……I’d run so fast, that damn hair piece would get sucked off that bald head by the vacuum vortex created by my exit.

But his policies were just so good, like tariffs and there was probably a second one as well

Baron Von Sitzhis Pants should be in a memory care facility.

And that drinking bleach could help with covid

…and he smells like he shit himself.

I understoodn’t nothing in this tweet.

I don’t know about you but most of my friends are pedos/rapists and felons. Oh wait that’s not true for me

Welcome to Dumbfukistan!

Actually, I’d record him to post online and laugh with my friends

Ya, but that’s not the world we live in.
I have no words.

“I am the most humble person “

Especially if he smelled like a diaper pail…

Don’t forget the shitty diaper

Well, a bunch of people thought – hey, that’s my guy.

I’d gtfo quickly.

No, we know for a fact a lot of people would completely agree and obey that dude

yup but his worshipers don’t see that side of him.

He didnt even me mention his stench

I’d probably shrug it off as another meth head rambling. My cousin (who I know for sure is a meth head) says some equally outlandish bullshit all the time.

While working for an old grocery store, I once had to deal with a man that looked like he never left Woodstock at 2 o’clock in the morning. He introduced himself as God, demanded to know what planet I was from
and why I was on Earth (he was not joking). that conversation lasted 30 minutes before he got bored and moved on. Years later, at a different job. I met another fellow who was convinced he was the reincarnation of Rah. He also wanted to know what planet I was from and why I was on earth. That conversation lasted an hour. Have a downstairs neighbor who is convinced she is an all powerfully psychic with supernatural powers. I live in a state overrun with very vocal trumptards, super Christians of all 31 flavors. And the wildest kind of tweakers that could only be out crazied by SoCal, Oregon or Florida, If I’ve got nothing better to do, your hair spray wackadoo would just be another Tuesday.

Sir this is a public library, is your care giver with you?

I would not, sir… I would start to explain to him that the only scientific evidence for windmill turbines causing any ill health effects are disturbances in sleep.

Sleep deprivation may cause other health problems but the windmills themselves do not directly cause any other health issues. It is the sleep deprivation that may lead to other health problems. Using ear plugs and sound-dampening drapes or wall padding can significantly reduce the background noise, thus solving the sleep deprivation problem.

People who benefit from sleeping with white noise may even benefit from living near a windmill or playing white noise right over the top of the windmill sounds.

I would also ask if their eyeshadow is Revlon? Because they are worth it.

what Is this about?

No, I would call him the savior, of course. Why do you hate America?


Normally, I would have said something that could make him be the one to get up and back away instead.

I would say “Ha! Fucking Liar! Airports didn’t come out until 77!!”

Why do I have to get up? I was there first.

Yes. That’s how class works.

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