Wow, suddenly all those $500,000-$1m SWE and doctor salaries don’t look like much lol

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Men are idiots

This girl is great at marketing. She’s all over the place – That said, I find it hard to believe that’s her real income it’s just another news cycle for more marketing.

the amount of degeneracy needed for this to be true is pretty fucking pathetic

A lot of guys want women who are out of their league and decide to go to OF instead of lowering their expectations.

This is literally the craziest thing that we have going on right now. Men will literally give these pornographers millions of dollars for something they can get for free. I just don’t get it. How much do you have to hate yourself and money to give these people money?

Good job guys, you did it. Made her rich. Send her some more. She’ll probably want to be your gf if you do.

Edit: I think some of those paying customers have found the post

I actually follow her and have spent a significant part of this years salary on her… but she told me that she really likes me more than her other fans and she swears I’m the funniest guy she’s met since her high school crush.

She’s even thinking about coming to visit me either next thanksgiving or the one after. And it’s cuz we have a great connection. Not just cuz I gave her 40k

Sex sells. Been this way for eternity

I hate that this is a part of our world. What does this teach young girls, or boys growing up?

We’re doomed as a society

Someone taking advantage of what they look like to get filthy paid. Actresses, singers, prostitutes, somehow when you get it via OF its like it never happened before.

I was able to join a telegram group that has tons of her leaks within seconds of googling her. Needless to say I just saw her bare tits, pussy, and asshole for free.

1. That’s bananas.

2. Men are idiots.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game. And hate the pathetic, desperate losers who send women like this money.

Imagine how nice it must be to be an absolute mid 6 and just suck your own boyfriends dick on camera then be set for generations. lmao. The world is wild.

I bet the amount is fake and she posted it to go viral and get more subscribers. Now more people will want to subscribe to see why she is making so much money.

All I see is a genius that’s able to capitalize on her strengths. Get your bag. You have fuck you money now. I hope you invest some of it.

Good for her?

Maybe I’m just very frugal or old fashioned but who the hell pays to chat or watch some random girl play online?

It’s a great career path. Once you age out at around 28 you’ll be able to put “series of holes” on the “skills and talents” portion of your resume.

I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would pay for porn in this day and age, let alone at such exorbitant numbers for such a limited inventory.

Meanwhile porn is free and there are much more attractive porn stars than her

The top% of almost any industry makes shit tons of money. Top programmers are multimillionaires, and you have programmers in India that make nothing. Same for porn.

OF paid for my house as a man, and that was at 1%. Creators like this are the top 001%. No shame in the game. I’ll never work a 9-5 again and you don’t have to either if you put some skin in the game.

this isn’t real, it was exposed to be marketing for her OF…

and we’re watching it in real time

This country is so sexist.  Women only earn 77% of what a man makes for the same job…..well, not in all cases….

A) I don’t believe it for a second – these people have every reason to exaggerate their success – it’s marketing.

B) I don’t care. Every OF “model” and YT influencer can take a long walk off a short pier.

Holy shit there’s a lot of incels in these comments

They spelled prostitute wrong.

The fact that she’s making this and siswet19 is making literal peanuts in comparison shows you that capitalism is rigged.

The hardest worker should get the most money and nobody in the game has taken more miles of D (natural or fake, length or girth) than her.

I will die on that hill

She is providing a product that there is a demand for. If this makes you mad, you hate capitalism.

Imagine if all of Of money was instead given to charity or to finding cures.

And she’s only 20 years old.

I feel like if I could I would for a year or two, but sadly I am a overweight middle aged man… I doubt I could even replace my curent salary lol

I’ll join the trend of this comments section. As a guy myself, I also think men are stupid, lol.

I seriously don’t get it. You can watch porn anywhere, for FREE, and it’s usually better quality than the kind of shit you see on OF.

What are my chances of success in this field of work as a slightly overweight white male in his late thirties?

When people say give up your “coffee”, this is what we are talking about.

I don’t understand OF at all, porn is literally FREE, so what are they paying for?

Meanwhile I’m working two jobs as a social worker trying to survive and change the world at the same time. This makes me sick.

If most people only knew how many physicans make no where near 500k a year, i think they would be surprised. Basically no primary care or pediatrics doc is making that.

Well it’s cause all these SWEs are probably paying for OF

For that kind of money I might transition.

Why are they called models? They are prostitutes.

That’s what happens when social media and celebrities are our focus point and not education and science. The government doesn’t want smart people asking questions so they make us dumb

It’s always the blokes that pay for OF content that are the first to degrade the women they pay to thirst over in the first place.

What’s SWE?

Men are dumb

Good for her. She gets to live a great life.
I’m no hypocrite, I’d do the same if I was am attractive woman like her.

People will complain about low salary, high cost of living and everything becoming expensive and then go and spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to watch women take their clothes off online. SMH.

In 25 years on the internet I have not paid a single cent for porn. I have no idea how these whores make so much money.

This can’t be real.

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