Wife wanted “Gaming” PC so we can play WoW together. Bought it for her for Christmas, give it to her early. This is what I come home to the day she hooked it up…….

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Well, technically she’s playing a game…

She’s a true gamer

WoW can wait, not a true gamer if you haven’t play solitaire once in your life

Just give her Balatro

I had a $1k PC that I built when I was 18, the first thing I did was to see if it would run Crysis.

After confirming that, I fired up Solitaire to see if I could beat my best time.


Eh as long as she’s having fun 🙂 maybe get her into some story driven games like Subnautica or Portal

A lot of people in the comments acting like they don’t use their $3000 gaming PC to watch YouTube videos of other people playing games 90% of the time.

So she’s using the gift you gave her! I’d be insulted as well /s

Stress testing that GPU.

It is a step. Now show her Balastro and… Puf! She ceases to exist in the real world for the next week or two.

Upgrade solitarie to balatro and make her happier

The audacity, I just can’t!!! 😤

Chill man she’s working her way up to Balatro

Maybe she didn’t want to play WoW without you so she decided to play solitaire till you got home?


She’s doing wonderfully. Everybody knows part of having a badass PC is using it to play games you could run on 30 year old hardware

I bought a tsp and a backbone for my girlfriend, and she ends up playing angry birds on her phone. Giiirls

that’s so funny, my wife does the same, she plays 2048 and slither.io. trying to get her into more games

Happy wife, happy life… remember that…

Playing it on easy mode? Cmon, girl!

Put some light behind that monitor.

As long as she playing games, not watching youtube and reddit ;(

I always found solitaire to be a calming game.

a woman playing solitaire is never a good sign

“Whatever you do, keep her away from Balatro. Or Gwent.”

-From yours truly, the community.

727 WYSI

She’s just wearing it in, you can’t just go balls deep into Crysis without warming up the thermal compound or you risk throwing a bearing.

Yea wondows packed in games are still very addictive.

gotta start somewhere..

Damn, and I thought I was hardcore for playing Doom 2 and Halo CE on my 2080 Ti

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