My sister only uses the white part of the spring onions….she was going to throw this out.

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Finally something truly infuriating in this sub!

She should date the guy who demanded compensation for getting a smooth Mars bar

My husband also hates the green part but he knows I eat them so he always just puts them aside for me.

We hate wasting food though so…

White side is for frying, green side for topping. This is the only way.



the white part is the sweetest and more flavourful part so I understand but the greens still has use. Home cooks should learn to use absolutely every part of ingredients, everything can be used


My mother throws away the green part of leek “because it’s too hard to clean”

But… but… green is the best part!

Sorites paradox of spring onion, where does the useable part end

Imagine throwing away the best part…

You can cut the green part in bite sized pieces and fry, or use the green part to garnish. If you don’t have a use for it, chop it up and freeze it, use in a soup later on.

Not only is she throwing away money, but also the resources required to grow that piece of onion.

Oh man, that’s shallot of waste.

(Yeah, I know..but I’m still getting my coat 🚶‍♂️)

This should count as a war crime, the greens go so insanely well with any soup lol, or even fried rice..

Well did she need chives or scallions

I cut them like this as a kid until someone caught me throwing out the green part.

I thought just the white part was onion 🤣

In my house hold the white part is bad the green part is good

WHAT?! Why though??

Introduce her to a shallot, I think she’ll like them.

I have a few recipes that call for only the white part or only the green part, but there’s no reason to throw the other part out unless it’s going bad, those look great!

Tell her the green part is literally the best part. This feels like a crime against food.

Guess she missed the memo that the green part is where the magic happens!

Are we sure she isn’t a serial killer?

The green part is literally the best for soups and garnishing. Your sister needs a food intervention asap.

I eat the whole damn thing

I am guilty of this too.

Get a new sister

WHAT??? NO!!!!!! (flips table)

The white part makes me shit my pants, so I only eat the green parts. Your sister and I should have been neighbors!

Send this to Uncle Roger.

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That’s terrible!

best thing about green onions (other than they’re delicious) Is they regrow easily. chop everything down to the last 1/2 inch of the root side; put it in a shallow bowl of water on a sunny windowsill. A day or 2 later and the green stem will begin to resprout. A few days to a week later and the greens regrown several inches and can be reused or put in soil to continue growing. Almost indefinitely

Throw out your sister

I eat the green and shove the whites in soil to grow more greens.

So she uses green onions… but not the green part of them…? This would be funny, if it wasn’t so stupid.

But those are the best part![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)

Why would she buy spring onions then?? They cost more than normal onion?

I’ve always thought it was the other way around😳

I put the green bits in everything. Scramble eggs, tuna, pastas etc.

I’m sorry but if I HAD to do this, imo the white part would be the part to go

she shouldn’t be wasting food even in the name of preference…

Your sister might be sent to life in prison in Asian countries.

I’d chop ‘m up and make ham rolls. Mmmmmmmmm

A knife sharpener or a new knife would make an excellent Xmas gift for your sister. The cut quality of whatever she’s using is horrendous.

*Screams in Mandarin*

NO this is very infuriating!

My partner has IBS and can only eat the green part.

How ass backwards.

Tell her there’s more flavor in the stem. Like Cilantro. But let’s not start the cilantro taste argument

I might genuinely hate your sister.


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