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its more expensive to do this than to just buy paper plates like wtf 😭😭😭 period pads are so fucking expensive these days

My income is low, so I just eat used tampons as a substitute for fries.

From the thumbnail, and before reading the caption, I thought the ranch was on the counter and they just put the wings on top.

Wouldn’t that be expensive. Like how much would a box of 10 pads cost? That’s like 2 days worth of plates.

Couldn’t she just, clean the counter and eat off it? Why use the hemorroid blood sponge?

You can afford to buy chicken but cant even get disposable plates

Just eat like a feral goblin over the sink like the rest of us

Real mf eat standing over the sink

At least the “plate” won’t slip off the table

I think the joke is it’s a pad with wings lol

Line there are legit two other surfaces (besides the counter) behind your food that you could also eat off of. Next week you’re gonna tell us you refused these things

My only problem is with the ranch dressing.

Is this what my gf meant when she told me to buy her pads with wings? Should I get Buffalo or garlic Parmesan?

I ate of paper towel or store napkins

If you fry wings, is there an argument to pads absorbing the excess frying oil? I can’t see any other reason

Cheaper to just wash a plate lol

I mean, as long as it isn’t a used one?

This right here is comedy heaven

I think they are talking about mental health struggle

I thought it was spilled ranch 🙁

If you can afford name brand ranch dressing, you are not struggling.

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When it comes to the price of these, I usually hear women say they’re expensive.

Woah. Rockefeller over here eating off a pad. All we could afford was pantyliners 😭

Not to be devils advocate, but they could be struggling with mental illness. Which, from experience, is a struggle. Although, i cannot say ive eaten off a pad either.

You can buy multiple actual, reusable plates for cheaper than a box of pads.

I would literally rather eat off the countertop

Bait couldn’t be more obvious

How else are you supposed to make pad Thai?

If you can afford a nice granite countertop you can afford paper plates

but a used one covers up the aroma of 3 week old counter-top chicken wings.

For a second I thought they just put the wings in a puddle of ranch on the counter

You don’t even have paper towels?

just pour sauce on the counter. eat off of counter

Sometimes I use a napkin as a plate cuz I don’t have time or energy to wash, next time plan ahead and grab a handful of napkins from where ever you are on the way home. Tissues and a fresh roll of toilet paper work too. At beast you pads should be the 4th choice.

The real crime here is the ranch. Where is the blue cheese?

just eat off the table at that point

Thought they just smeared ranch on the countertop

There needs to be a movement where people just completely give silence to an obviously ridiculously post . Just crickets.

What if you are a humanist vampire?

Actually pads are super absorbent and don’t leave lints. We use it in the laboratory for cleaning sensitive stuff.

Pads are actually very expensive lately… Trust me, if I could, I’d be using paper plates down there. But I can’t for a reason

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Isn’t that more expensive than getting paper plates or napkins? Like, significantly more expensive?

As if we all don’t eat half of our meals hunched over the kitchen sink anyway

Bro please just buy printer paper it’s cheaper and less fucked up

Ill eat off the table before bothering to find my wifes pads to eat on.

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