My father is visiting for Thanksgiving and chipped and burned the ceramic of our $420 Le Creuset pot

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I feel like this needs a forensic investigation

Certainly there’s a hammer and flathead screwdriver laying around

There’s just no way

Le Creuset will replace it. Email customer service.

Ceramic doesn’t burn

What the hell was he doing with this pot

I hope the Le Creuset warranty handles that and might I suggest a restraining order between the replacement pot and your father.

It’s worse that he acknowledges he killed it but won’t replace it.

So awesome that they ruined it and so kindly told you “they’re not keen” on doing shit about it. Luckily you have a lifetime guarantee.

My guess, based on what I know about cooking and cleaning. Please don’t downvote for me being wrong 😂

It sounds like the pot was hot heading to the sink. The water that was used was likely too cold and cracked the ceramic from rapid cooling. This made it brittle and susceptible to damage from cleaning.

I’m too poor to understand what any of this means

Someone may have already written this, but if it’s a real Le Creuset you can return it to one of their shops, fill out a form and they will replace it for free.

These have a genuine lifetime guarantee, and you don’t need a receipt etc. I replaced my wife’s chipped one after 20 years of use, with no idea exactly when or where it had been bought as it had been given as a gift. Pretty great company!


I went through this with my cast iron pans. No, don’t wash them, let me get them. No, really I insist – it’s gotta be done a special way. NOOO, get that fuckin pan out of the sink full of soapy water.

Next day


Looks like he was iron smithing

Letting parents use nice kitchenware is a no-no. Got a japanese chef knife for my bday and my mom almost immediately chipped it cutting a sandwhich on a plate after I told her to only use the cutting board…

On the plus side side, you can now use the “you don’t know what you’re doing, I’ll show you how it’s done…without ruining a $400 pot” line on him until the end on time.

It’s Le Creuset, it can be replaced with the lifetime guarantee

After my Dad comes for a visit we always play what did Grandpa break

I feel mildly infuriated that you spent 420 on a pot

Well you can gift him the used pot and tell him it’s a good $420 pot.

Use a cheaper pot when family is around. Or don’t let anyone touch your shit. Wifey almost killed my MIL when she scraped the food out of our pan with a metal spoon.

I swear, I thought somebody put out a cigarette multiple times there 😳

Dad strength is real

Lucky for you Le Creuset will definitely send you a new one, with a few questions asked

Don’t let your father use a screwdriver to make soup next time.

Listen carefully Kids, Always keep your eyes on your Fathers or you’ll end up with something like this

Glad they have good warranty but sucks this happened

Looks like your father was using it as an ashtray…

Why the fuck are we using $420 pots
Unless I’m feeding an actual army and I’m the one cooking everything
In the expensive cookware

Why I don’t buy $400 cookware

This is like that time my mom made gravy in our non stick roaring pan, vigorously stirring it with a fork.

It was a nice pan, but nothing too crazy, but she was like: “I do this all the time to my pan. It’s fine.”

Me: “…but you’re scratching the shit out of it.”

Her: “…you’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

Cleaning up later, the pan is fucking destroyed. You can see figure 8 marks where she bulldozed her way through the non stick coating.

Me: “Hey mom, look. I told you you weee scratching it.”

Mom: [Looks at pan] “It’s fine. Mine is like that too.”

Me: “Mom, this pan was mint before this. You’ve scratched a shit ton of the non stick coating off.”

Her: “So? I’m sorry?”

Me: “Mom. Where do you think it all went? We just fucking ATE IT in the gravy.”

Her: 😬

Maybe you should reach out to Le Creuset. Tell them you have a perfect product tester for them.

I would have loudly wept…

Then demanded he buy me a new pot TODAY!

Lol. Pot costs $420


420$ pot lmao

How the!?!? Was he cooking Thermite Rod Soup? My girlfriend and I have a few Le Creuset pieces we got through yard sales and thrift stores and we basically have abused them for the past 15 years and other than some discoloring on the bottom they’re in great shape.

And this is why I cook with cast iron.

I don’t even understand how he accomplished this

I love each of my Le Creuset pots! I’d die if this happened to any of them!

A visit to the le cruset outlet in Vacaville is in order. I can’t even point out where my seconds marks are, they’re perfect. 😍

My husband got them for our first year anniversary, I’ll have them for life.

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