A lawnmower is more effective at picking up leaves than a rake

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Better yet, take the bag off and just mulch the leaves into the lawn.

Both take too much effort. I’ll embrace the leaves.

Leaves are more effective at fertilizing your yard than anything else.

Embrace the leaves , we need more fire flies

Recycle those leaves instead of bagging

We pile the leaves in a wind-protected corner behind some shrubs so the hedgehogs have a safe place in winter.

Sure. If you only have a light dusting of leaves like this picture.

Or and hear me out now…….leave the leafs they help the grass

And you only have to stop and empty it every 2 minutes!


The bugs need em

FYI: If you like fireflies, leave the leafs in place. That is where they lay their eggs. Leaf mulch will also work.

Rake is quiet and does not need gas

Leaving the leaves is like giving your lawn a natural blanket. They break down and feed the soil while providing a habitat for beneficial insects. It’s the ultimate win-win for your yard and the ecosystem.

Mulch the leaves. It’s better for your yard. 

Husqvarna makes the good mowers. Nice mower.

That’s how landscaping companies do it all the time

Certified grounds keeper here, when we do our leaf removal on campus we have a billy goat ( basically just a leaf vacuum with a huge bag) and push mowers with bags. Hoping to upgrade our ride ons next year with hoppers just to make leaf removal more efficient.

Not always. Depends on the type of leaves and the type of grass. Works great if the leaves are sitting neatly on top of the grass but if they get down into it it can cause a lot of problems if you try to mulch it or the bag doesn’t get enough of them.

Bag gets full in one go. This is not that great of a life hack.

Oh god don’t do this. Bugs use leaves to breed and hibernate in. You are shredding the good guys. At least with raking, you can move them somewhere else. 

I rake them up usually, or occasionally mulch them into the bag, then dump HUGE piles in the chicken run. The girls LOVE scratching through the leaves for bugs. Keeps the mud down too.

all my family does is clear leaves out of the gutters and sewage drains on the street

My lawn will have leaves ankle-deep by November. And it’s full of tree roots so I can’t just mow them up. When I’m done blowing leaves, there’s a fucking mountain across my whole frontage at the street.

Exactly. If it’s dry it’ll pulverize them into nothing.

Unfortunately, lawnmowers are more expensive than rakes…

Like, no shit Sherlock

Ur just figuring it out now

If you want a naturally aerated and organic matter rich lawn you need leaves, eartworms will pull them down into the ground to eat, mixing them into the existing soil. No leafs = less worms = poorer quality soil.

I said the same thing 2 days ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1h28hoi/comment/lzj8ucq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1h28hoi/comment/lzj8ucq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Rakes aren’t supposed to pick things up…

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