a robot named “hitchbot” successfully hitchhiked across Canada and Europe, but was murdered in Philadephia attempting to cross the US from east to west

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Santa doesn’t even stop in Philadelphia. He just drops the packages and peaces out.

*The Gang Kills hitchbot*

I mean, it was Philadelphia…..

He must have talked shit about the Eagles.

This is why we canโ€™t have nice things.

I’ve only been to Philly once and it was for a bus layover. I was there for like 4 hours and I watched some dude beat the shit out of some woman right outside the station. There was also an armed guard sitting in front of the entrance the whole time and in those 4 hours the cops were called twice about people trying to break into the station.

So yea, this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

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Saw this one on display at the Ottawa Science Museum a couple years ago

The real shame because Philadelphia really has everything going for it. On the Northeast Corridor halfway between Boston and DC. Incredibly historic. Walkable. Good public transit. Good food. Great cultural places. Good universities. Fun sports culture. Vastly more affordable than NYC,Boston, or DC.

And it canโ€™t manage to shake the unhinged hellscape bugaboo.

Turns out Hitchbot wasnโ€™t murdered, he just ODโ€™d on tranq in Kensington

Could this robot fella even walk? Looks like dangling pool noodles lol you’d have to pick him up to hitch hike him on the road
RIP Hitchbot

HitchBot wouldโ€™ve been safer moving with its auntie and uncle in Bel Air.

He clearly looked at a muhfugguh the wrong way, obviously, asking for it.

Why the fuck did it pick Philly to stop? Is it stupid?

That was when the AI learned you don’t wear Dallas Cowboys jerseys in Philly

Even robots canโ€™t live a safe life in the United States of America.

Being Shot would have been more expected.ย 

Yup. Goes to show why there are two interpretations of โ€˜Paradiseโ€™

Figures. Not even robots are safe in Philly.

As someone heading home from Philly as we speak for a concertโ€ฆ sounds about right

Philly doesn’t fuck around man lol

Never phorget hitchbot.

Go birds.

In all seriousness, it really sucks how horrible people are. I mean the robot went on such a long journey and some punks destroyed it. So lame.

He probably deserved it๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธGo Birds ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…

One of Philadelphias most shining moments, the City of Fuck Around and Find Out showed that little bitch what was what.

Robot is very generous. This shit was basically an iPod touch in a bucket and had it coming. Xo Philly

HitchBOT Was A Literal Pile Of Trash And Got What It Deserved


That tracks

I like to thing The Gang from Always Sunny was scheming a way to exploit Hitchbot but in a series of unfortunate and not well thought out events the easiest solid was to murder the robot

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Sometimes, when I read comments about violence and crime in some (or maybe even most) US cities, I feel like I’m reading comments about crime infested cities in some third world country. I’m shocked by the frequency and intensity of the crimes, and I’m from Balkans.

I don’t know why, but this made me sad for some reason.

Thank god I knew this from russianbadger

Technically Canada to Europe is only 1 county away so…


The alleged killer denied it after he realized what a big fuckup he created

Knew a guy who claimed hitchbot was in pieces in his buddy’s moped garage after the guy saw it while tripping

Well it did say San Francisco or Bust. Someone chose Bust.

I heard about this when it happened. I wasnโ€™t surprised, Iโ€™m still not.

Ass, cash or grass. Or, get your head chopped off.

Look I’m not saying he deserved it. But he shoulda known better.

I remember following his journey I remember being so excited to hear he made it to America and hoped he’d pass though my city. One of the earliest times my faith in humanity was beaten to death. Ah memories

‘City of brotherly Love” will NEVER apply to Robots!

I remember seeing food delivery bots working well in China but get smashed and robbed in the US.

Philly is a shithole. Sorry excuse for a world class city.

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