Just finished my Notre Dame lego set

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You are 5 years late friend 😅

Like fire, hell fire……

Too soon, they just finished fixing the thing.

Every lego person I know saves the boxes because they’ll go up in value or something. Appreciate you burning yours for a joke, and my friends probably appreciate you for lowering the amount that exist lol

Haha chaotic neutral. I love it

In 5 years you’ll have it rebuilt!


Still too soon ☠️

Meanwhile my lego boxes have boxes to protect the box from any damage

Pretty low-brow.

Have you purchased the restoration set yet?

😳what have you done😳

Not again! They just got it cleaned up!

We will rebuild


Too soon man

Not again!

Welp, time to spend a couple years rebuilding it

Too soon

Too soon!

How topical

USC fan?

^(I’ll see myself out.)

At least not Too Soon

Well that’s rude

Must be because it’s out of date now. It’s white inside now!

Comment oses-tu, stupide américain, insulter les français de cette façon, peux-tu manger de la merde

Glad it didn’t cost you $400 Million.

I got that set for my father for Xmas

Too soon.

You can lie to yourself and your minions
You can claim that you haven’t a qualm,
But you never can run from nor hide what you’ve done from the eyes, the very eyes of Notre Dame and for one time in his life of power and control, Frollo felt a twinge of fear for his immortal soul..

Uncle is at it again


Hey man…

Too soon.

Too soon!!!

Historically accurate

If you had any dedication to the joke, you’d do it with the actual set, you coward!

Dark. I love it

That’s not funny, I’m not even religious but that’s just disrespectful

Wow, people are sure mad about OP burning a lego box. Lol.



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