Blame your parents for this one…

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Wow, imagine getting buttfucked by moonpie

ngl moonpies do hit doe

Wendy’s has a protege now

the @moonpie person behind this interaction better get a promotion or if they’re (more likely) reprimanded, i hope some company with a smart marketing department headhunts this person.

damn that would be the dopest job. i used to respond to customer complaints at a multinational corporation and they’re have your neck if you pulled this but 100 per cent, the people who @ companies to complain typically deserve the very worst.

I never tried a MoonPie before and now this makes me want to get a box
Great Advertisement lol

I’ve definitely seen this post before, but it hits every time. That almost made me audibly chuckle


“I accuse my parents.”

“I accuse the director.”

>!Sorry, but I read the title and couldn’t help but make a MST3K reference completely unrelated to the actual post!<

moon pies are smores without a fire


That’s gonna sting for a while lol

Get her moonpie 🤣🤣🤣

Righteous Moon Fry. 🔥

I love the American centre of the universe attitude that makes them think Kayla is the more original spelling of Kaela, derived from Michaela.

Kaela and Kayla are two different names entirely tho?

I dont get it..

poor moonpie

Moonpies are delicious.

Repost is older than this subreddit

Chocolate Moon-Pie plus 8-10 seconds in the microwave is an S tier treat.


Pretty fly for a MoonPie

Banana moonpies are good as fuck

Pretty savage, but Kaela’s right. Those things are the word “ugh” in individually wrapped packages.

This entire conversation seems set-up. Especially with the sales booming question

Moonpies fucking slap though

That was a beautiful dunk


I’m willing to bet Kaela is a fake account or was paid. SHUT UP, BRAND.

This has r/tragedeigh and r/justiceserved written all over it

Hi, I went to high school with this girl! Her mother was actually my math teacher. Rumor has it her mom had one part of her body replaced with a cow part, idk man kids make up the craziest shit

Kayla comes from both the Hebrew Michaela and the Irish Caol but neither dictate spelling

So close…. It’s spelt 😬

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