President Elect Trump Sets Off Insurrection Against the United States Government on January 6 2021

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People have short memories and are very susceptible to propaganda.

We’d hoped he was gone after that, but just like an outbreak of Herpes, he’s back.

America is not a serious country.

And never to be held accountable.

This alone should’ve at least made him ineligible for election again – the risks to functional democracy is just too high. What’s stopping him from finishing the job the 2nd time around?

He should be sitting in prison, not elected to the highest office in the land.

You guys love him so much you voted for him again.

The fact is this.

Most people on the right think that Jan 6 was not a big deal.

Some of them like my folks think it was a tourism driven event, they bought in to Carlson’s special.

While it’s clear to anyone one had any sort of common sense, the fact is apparently a lot of people don’t and see Jan 6 as a non event.

That in itself is tragic.


Can we change the name of this sub? It’s not pics it’s politics.

Wow. He will definitely have to pay for this right? Right?

What’s with these posts? It is getting boring.

The United States’s version of shingles.

The Teflon Don slips out of everything.

Remember how Trump supporters fly those ‘thin blue line’ flags in solidarity with law enforcement? I sure hope those flags aren’t still flying near Trump flags.

I can’t believe we have to continue seeing his ugly orange face.

“Get me a TV and a Diet Coke”

-Trump after hearing they’re rioting at the capitol.

And another high quality post on r/pics .

You can turn this bot off now, the election is over

Ugh enough with the recycled shit

Yeah this entire account is a bot designed with the intention of stoking the flames of whatever demographics its content touches. Every single one of you in here bickering back and forth is lost. Let’s keep pointlessly arguing to ignore what’s really going on. Fucking grow up

Of course Reddit still trying to force the narrative that this was an insurrection and Trump caused it.

Reddit is so full of themselves. It’s really sad. Another reason why the left lost the election.

Mom said it’s my turn to post this

Uh I wonder if the makers of this post understand what president elect means? Because at the time when this happened, Joe Biden was the president elect.

Why is this subreddit turning into a political one? What’s up with all the anti trump posts. It’s getting really annoying.

Crazy how there was no cheating in this year’s election 🙄

Do you remember when r/pics didn’t used to be a leftist cryzone about Trump? Greetings from Europe

Op posts weird shit

This sub has a super unhealthy obsession over trump

No one gives a fuck clearly. Political spam is yucky.

Dude this is getting ridiculous, I see this subreddit on a daily basis and it’s just pictures of this same fucking day. God forbid you post anything other than fucking politics.

He didn’t though, that’s a false narrative from legacy media

Remember when Trump asked pelosi for the national guard to be there on Jan 6 and she denied that. Can’t wait for Kash Patel to bring the truth to the light and watch all you idiot liberals melt away in tears. Y’all about to find out how brainwashed and dumb you are 😁

I see you guys are posting about Trump for a change.

We get it you’re still butthurt he won

When will liberals realize this rhetoric and fear mongering lost them the election?

He was President for 4 years and you were fine, stfu

Enjoy the next 4 years pretending to be victims

You guys act like anyone in an elected position gets in trouble. Sure this is the biggest thing, but in the criminal justice system if you play your cards right……you are innocent…… matter what

For a fews hours US was a third world country

As a reminder, my fellow Americans,

Donald Trump is now your President.

Cope if you must, seethe if you like.

You live in a fantasy world

You forgot to add that no one cared, and he got re-elected 4 short years later. These posts are mastibatory at this point. Just accept that America wants to be whatever this is – fascist oligarchy, nationalist republic, theocracy. Whatever this shitshow becomes, it’s what people want. Either accept it or become a hermit. There is no fighting it with snarky little posts like this. By the way, posts just like this are part of the reason he won. If you haven’t figured that out yet, you’re playing a role in favor of this asshat. Stahp it.

Edit: The number of people downvoting this comment is in.sane. Its objective truth. Downvoting reality is wild.

I love how people say “he didn’t incite an insurrection, he said ‘we’re going to peacefully walk to the capitol blah blah blah’, as if he didn’t know exactly what that mob was going to do.

If you still refer to January 6th as an insurrection attempt you’re an intellectual toddler. Go watch a video of the day the Kremlin fell and the USSR became no more. THAT was a legitimate insurrection.
Kicking all forms of government out of a 10 square block are of a city and having a self appointed warlord do the speaking for that collective while attempting to murder police officers by arson? THAT was a more legitimate insurrection action than what happened at the capitol.
Keep fearmongering… it really worked this election cycle.

He should be in prison

OP saw the other Jan 6 post today and realized he could get karma by doing the exact same thing. I’d bet we see another clever individual do this within the next 24hrs

He was the current President at the time.

Funny how no one was charged with insurrection though….

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