Thoroughly wash your fish first before consuming

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So think about what AI understands as humans

Salmon fish, just edit the prompt

Actual results from canava for “salmon in river” which is a pretty bad prompt but I’ll use what you suggest.

Canava isn’t even a particularly good generator either, get with the times.

Also this is “salmon on plate” ai understands context bear eating salmon and man eating salmon

So ai even understands that I’m referring to salmon as a food that a bear would be eating a whole salmon and a person would be eating the meat

I’m pretty sure this is fake, it’s not how AI works.

Then use a good AI.

Recycled. This content is months old. The AI model has likely been fixed by now.


Perfect example of GIGO..🙌🏻


People who worry about ai domination have no knowledge about ai.

It’s like a kid picking up a 100$ and worrying about getting watched by the CIA.

AI is so much in it’s infancy we haven’t even gotten to its main usefulness and you’re worried about it running amok

I don’t get why people are saying this isn’t how AI works. I’m pretty sure the case is that there are a a lot more images out there associated with the word “salmon” that that are of food than the actual fish. Because of that AI is more likely to generate salmon meat when prompted.

We used to make fun of dial up as well and now look where we are

Meanwhile AI secretly builds army of robotic warriors hell bent on taking over the world

Didn’t the ex ceo of google say we have 5-20 years before the take over.

There was a time Hitler was an infant as well. Give it enough time and AI will see no reason not to kill you.

Well, considering what the Salmon color is…

It doesent mean Ai is not going to take over, it just means our lives are about to get really weird.

Thank god it’s stupid for now, we can kill it early

AI knows only one type of salmon

That looks like it’s been done by an A.I. trained by the United States Department of Education

User error.

Just remember that people never thought computers would ever take off because no one would have the space for a room sized computers. You are those people right now.

While this is a neat meme, I couldn’t re-create it. All the images I get from Bing’s create show actual salmon.

Salmon in their natural habitat.

Memes about AI that are old enough to have JPEG artifacts are old enough to be severely out of date. It’s only getting better, not worse. You may spot AI images from time to time and think you’re pretty clever because you “know what AI looks like.” But think about it for a moment. Really think about it. How many images do you think you’ve seen that were AI generated, and you had no idea? Those images aren’t going in to your little set of personal statistics and assumptions about AI. And I guarantee you’ve seen AI generated images, and read AI generated text and didn’t have even the slightest clue. The worst part? Right now, AI is as bad as it’s ever going to be. It’s only going to get better at tricking you. You think we’ve come a long way in two years being able to create people with the right amount of fingers, finally? Oh, right, in case you didn’t know, AI can generate images of people with the right amount of fingers now. Well, just imagine what it will look like in 10.

We are fucked.


This is what the Labour party thinks it looks like in nature.

It’s all fun and games till you company decides your designation is no longer required since it can easily be replaced much cheaper AI framework/api calls

Good AI


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