Man was a DEMON compared to those other boys

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TT Robin is absolutely waxing any of these niggas absolutely free. Mans was not only 1v1ing Slade and succeeding but then proceeds to box his WHOLE ASS SQUAD complete with a Cyborg, a mf that can turn into any animal, an alien with powers, and a satanic fucking sorceress using just his hands, a staff, and a dream.

TT ‘03 Robin spent the whole series whoppin on niggas with superpowers without having any powers of his own, while literally fighting his own demons inside his head (IYKYK).

The other Robins better hop on their tricycles and pedal home.

Extremely respectful for not having that TT Go variant anywhere near this shit lmfao.

TT ‘03 every fucking day. That mf yelled “KNEES!!!”

I’ve never seen a Robin more like his bat-father than TT ’03 Robin. Slade drove him to the brink.

TT Robin is the type of dude to chuck a demo pack at a dude robbing a chemical plant.

Robin was chucking hand grenades at his friends to protect them from Slade. Beast Boy and Raven aren’t even bomb resistant he was still chucking bombs at them

TT Robin is legit Batman Jr. unlike the rest. Unhinged fellow, truthfully.

TT Robin had to have cement in his shoes the way he was kicking superpowered beings.

TT Robin really on another level. But ima let you know right now, YJ Robin is not goin out like no bitch. Him and the team went against the bloodlust Justice League and lasted a hot minute. Of course, TT Robin is obviously gonna cook, but him and YJ Robin will definitely be a worthy squabble.

Add on: Let’s not forget the time skip in YJ. We saw him 1 year as Robin, but the nigga was showing he was gon be aight. Even the Justice League was glazing bro.

“that THUG” Fucking SENT me 🤣🤣

Young Justice is #2 though.


TT Robin for sure. That nigga was black force energy 24/7 giving out free smoke

TT Robin beat cinderblox ass when starfire couldn’t even move him. And let’s not talk about red x or the slade battles. How bout him beating slade who was a zombie of trigon. He’s clearing all.

03 Teen Titans Robin beat his entire team’s asses. Just to earn the trust of a villain.

If this was *Robin* from this universe, I’d love to see what the Batman was like.

’03 Robin was HIM. He was built different. MF straight up had superpowers, and no one ever questioned it

I love this whole ass thread.

TT Robin is running a fucking clinic onto the other three. He’s singlehandedly keeping Gotham’s physical therapy industry afloat after the sheer ass beating they’ll get.

Theres a reason why Teen Titans Go Robin is so heavily mocked. It’s cause the original TT ’03 Robin he was based upon was just cold blooded and they wanted the exact opposite.

Only Robin fuckin with TT Robin is Damien Wayne and that’s only because he was trained as an Assassin first

You remember when they ALL had to fight him and were getting mollywhopped by his lone self?? A DEMON

TT Robin deadass judo flipped cinder block like he’s waxing these mfs 😭

this man never left the house without steel toed boots, a legitimate menace.

Saying thug like a slur. With their whole chest too.

TT Robin was THAT nigga you don’t play wit!

I didn’t even read the question. Teen Titans Robin is a demon.

when there’s trouble you know who to call…..

TT’ 03 was king Von and Durk mixed into one

TT Robin is a D1 crash out.

Oh, you mean mister hold-it-down-on-my-own?

Aight we all know TT Robin straight waxes the other 3. But I’m over here wondering what the hell BTAS Robin gonna do in this fight?

The only time he got real dirty was when he found the dude that murdered his parents. Aside from that, he was just helping old ladies cross the street.

Too many people are sleeping on YJ Robin. Yeah, TT Robin takes him out, but the fight is still pretty close.

Actually, the only one who gets very much curbstomped is BTAS Robin.

I love threads like these so much. I didn’t even care a whole lot about the question but reading all this hype for 03 Robin is making my adrenaline spike

Teen Titans Robin was a real killer. Bro did a double knee dive bomb from the heights of heaven

I rate TT Robin like most of y’all do, but respect needs to be put on YJ Robin’s name as well. That man was running the superhero equivalent of the CIA out of his team in Season 2, moving *everyone* like chess pieces in his master plan. You’re likely already playing into his hands by showing up to the arena to fight alone. Can’t even trust what looks like your own victory.

So proud of y’all in this comment section

Teen titans robin didn’t pull no punches. Definitely has a body

TT ’03, Imma let you finish, but Young Justice Robin is one of the greatest animated Robin’s of all time!


there were times i watched teen titans and questioned if that robin was even one of the good guys. he takes them no question

The only Robin I recognize


Y’all are sleeping on Young Justice Robin.

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