The Dani tribe in Indonesia is known for the practice of finger amputation in mourning. Cutting portions of fingers off when a loved one dies.

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No matter how hard life is, people will always find ways to make it harder.

Would suck to be born into a large family.

Yeah… Not all cultural practices are worth holding on to.

I would mourn the loss of my finger so much, I would need to cut off another one

Me and the boys absolutely pissed when the 21st person in the tribe kicks the bucket

Cave art throughout the world show that many early tribes had missing or mutilated digits. At first anthropologists thought that was just the cost of living in a tough time, but this tribeโ€™s modern practice has led some anthropologists to believe that it may have been linked to some kind of spirituality.

Hereโ€™s a link for anyone interested

Death must’ve hurt them like nothing else lol

Increasing your likelihood of death to show tribute the ones who died…. Interesting.

Why tho?

Well this is fucking dumb

There’s something really disturbing about it but I can’t really put my finger on it.

The finger amputation ritual is typically performed by a female elder of the tribe. The elder will use sharp tools, typically made of stone, a sharp axe or a knife to cut off the top joint of the womanโ€™s finger. The wound is then cauterized with a hot stone or piece of metal to stop the bleeding. The process is painful and can lead to infection but, the women of the Dani tribe typically endure the pain without complaint.

Can we stop respecting cultural practives when theyโ€™re objectively fucking stupid?

Author Harari in his book Sapiens, writes about the power of myth in human cultures. The power can be positive or negative. Here we have a negative example.

Harari (and now me) believes that myths became widely used as fictive language was developed about 10,000 years ago. People could buy into myths as a tribe or group to form a more attractive and productive society. All religions are based on myths invented by newly-capable sapiens leading to today’s five main religions, 10,000 lessor religions and the over 30,000 Christian sects/spinoffs.

As we can see, some myths work harshly against a population of believers, many more less-harshly against and some work positively for a population or segments within a population.

the tribe must be out of hands .

All done without anesthesia, of course. Or any way to prevent horrible infections of the wound. Kinda badass, but in tyool 2024, really fucking stupid

Wow he must have lost many people in his life

Why not toes

โ€œHow did your family members die?โ€

โ€œInfections from amputated fingersโ€

Isn’t it yet another proof that humans are fucked up in the head ?

Does clipping your nails count? I could do that.

As you lose people disable yourself more so you rely more on the people youโ€™ve lost.ย ย  ย 


Yeah I’m cool with just cutting my hair

Imagine what they would say when told that people cut off part of their childrens’ genitals to make an invisible skydaddy happy.

This is fucking dumb lol

Good reason not to have big families, I guess.

Talk about population control. Woof.

There’s a reason society has moved on from tribal culture.

A good portion of it is ignorant and harmful.

so if you lose 10 members are you out of fingers?

So what does one amputates to mourn the loss of the finger? Another finger? A toe?


That set of fingerprints at a crime scene would disturb the FBI.

Imagine the fucking badass immune system these people have that they donโ€™t die of septicaemia or something. Unless of course we only get to see those who survive this self mutilation practice.

Seems unnecessary

Donโ€™t try this it hurts

Doing stupid shit like that, surprised they still exist

Some of these traditions are so ridiculously stupid.

Well thatโ€™s a dumb practice


Can that person be like:

Yeah that’s my bro but he’s a punk and I don’t love him so not worth to cut my finger for that ass!

someone should give them a ha….. they no longer have it

They are wise enough to start at the pinky end and not the thumbs.

Now thereโ€™s a sensible thing to do, cut off the very things that make us useful, genius๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Well, at least they donโ€™t care about fingernails anymore

I wouldn’t say it to their face, lest I’d get my ass beaten. But it’s okay to disrespect tradition. Especially due to dumb stuff like this.

Join the club…fingers

Just the women do this.

Ok, maybe the Americans ARENโ€™T the dumbest after all

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