Am I overreacting about this pick up photo?

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Please keep us updated OP


Yeah I’d be calling support. This is messed up!!

edit: The Chipotle bag is on a bed, next to laundry. NOT in a car. Not on its way to you.

This is all very wrong. Get on the phone with support and cancel your order and get a refund!!

It’s saying yeah it was picked up and if you want it come and get it

Yeah, I’m a gun guy and this weird and alarming.

I’d call the police, not support

Is that a picture of your food or his profile picture??? I’m so very confused cause why would your food be next to his laundry and a gun?????

Report dasher ! He’s a danger to you and the whole community

Are you ok????

I want to know why your food is on his bed

Update us!

I’d leave the location of the address you gave him immediately.

Then call police, then call support.

That’s what I would do, and by the way, I’m not ‘anti gun’ I own firearms. But uhh….nobody needs to know that or…etc as shown in the post. Super scary

My apologies for the late response. I didn’t realize I had so much feedback. Yes, I’m still alive and I did report the dasher once I left work. Support issued me $13.00 in apologies credits. Thank you to those who DM me asking if I was still alive. Also, I appreciated being educated on what kind of gun that was, which did make it less scary. Having it in the photo is still crazy. The door dasher was quiet and did look a bit sketchy when he came in the door. I didn’t eat my food since it was kinda messed up and I pretty much loss my appetite. I’m a bit anxious from this incident and decided to take a break from door dash. Thank you all again!

Cancel order !

I’m all for the 2nd amendment, but cancel your order and report that psycho. Wtf?

Worst that’s happened to me was my dasher calling me and telling me to come get my food when I requested it be left at my door. He said he was just going to leave it at a random place if I didn’t come get it. I told him I would not be doing that and if he left it somewhere I could not find it I would cancel and reorder.

There was also the time a dasher started banging on my door when I had asked for the food to be left there and did not leave for a very uncomfortable amount of time. That really scared me and felt really off – especially when they tried to open the door which was thankfully locked. In the end they finally left and my food was fine but you don’t know who is coming to your door or what state of mind they’ll be in.

OP you are SICK for posting this an hour ago and not keeping us updated???? WTF!!

Motherfuckers in here dying on a hill about “it’s a pellet gun, that’s an air gun, that’s not a real gun…”

Let’s see how you respond when someone sends something just like this to your mom, sister, wife, or daughter. I’m guessing you’re going to care a lot less about “oh jeez honey calm down it’s just an air gun, can’t ya tell silly? The break is right there, sport!”

Unless you know about firearms, you don’t know about firearms. People rob stores with “not a real gun” all the time and you don’t see the clerks worrying about that distinction. lol dumb as fuck.

Yeah I would cancel

I wouldn’t want my food next to some skivvies.

Eh… I’m genuinely worried about OP

Why does he not have your food in his car? Like he’s gone home with your food, took it out of his car and put it on his bed and took the photo. So so so weird. And then the gun….

Dang he stole your chipotle and showed you his gun… well then

Bros in bed!!! Wtfff


Definitely reach out to support, mainly because he took your food home and plopped it onto his dirty mattress….

Then contact law enforcement and ask for a welfare check on him, because that’s not a real gun (it’s a pellet rifle, or “airgun” and relatively harmless) but he’s clearly trying to play some kind of intimidation game with asking your address and showing off his “weapon”. He’s probably having some extremely unhealthy power fantasies and needs to take his meds.

What an idiot. Cancel your order and report them. I’m all for my 2nd amendment but there is 0 reason why you should have received a photo like that.

Oh my. Yea, I’d report that and maybe even call police. Yikes.

I’m scared

that’s not a real gun, that’s a pellet rifle, I own the exact same one. Regardless, as someone who also owns firearms, that’s irresponsible as it can be mistaken as one and should be taken seriously. People insane smh

Nah. I’d report that. Unacceptable.

You alive

Report this a-hole and call the police

OP what happened???

no update? OP might be…um, hope ok. Weird.

Yo keep us updated, cancel fs and contact support as well as get out of the address you sent

Yeah that’s wild

Lmao Paul Revere and the minutemen are on the way with your order bruh hold tight

You are definitely not over reacting. This is very frightening. Not only should DoorDash be notified but also the authorities. I hope not, but did this ever get delivered?

Op please update

I would’ve called the police before he got there then would’ve had him arrested 😂 I don’t play that at all

What kind of car has a bed and rolling white cabinets in it?

Ooh. You guys see those pick up photos? I thought those were just seen by DD 

Average american doordasher 😭

the way you posted this and then immediately fell off the face of the earth 😟

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