What’s a TV show that you keep hearing about but can’t get through the first few episodes?

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Ah man, The Americans is one of my all time favorites.

I really liked The Americans, thought it had one of the best series finales.

Shameless. Got tired of watching every single person in that family make stupid decision after stupid decision.

If you’re going to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation… start with season 3. Once you finish the show, go back and watch seasons 1&2.

Same goes with Parks & Recreation as well.

Yellowstone. I didn’t care for it

This is a great series. I’ve watched it a few times.

Peaky Blinders. It just doesn’t click for me.

The Americans is in my top 5 all time.

I keep telling everyone close to me to watch Slow Horses on Apple TV and they can never seem to get past the first episode because it’s slow. Such bullshit because it’s so freakin good.

Handmaiden’s Tale and Succession. Tried several times, I just can’t.

Mad Men.

Handmaids tale. I’ve really tried and it’s just repulsive.

The cold open of S1 E1, using *Tusk* as the background score, definitely hooked me.

Schitt’s Creek

Man, I still have to watch the last season. Yeah, there’s some tension building episodes, but it’s brilliant.

The man in the high castle

I legitimately feel bad saying this, but Breaking Bad. I’ve tried several times and can’t make it beyond episode 3-4.

Schitts Creek


The leftovers

I tried to watch Westworld. I just found it so boring.

Riverdale but it is obvious I am just not the target audience.

The Americans is good only if you’re really into spy dramas and Reagan era America politics. The creator did a good job and was a CIA officer for like two years before he left.

Boardwalk Empire. Although I usually like those kinds of stories

My friends tried repeatedly to get me into How I Met Your Mother when it was popular and I just couldn’t understand what people loved about the show.

And I know this isn’t entirely a popular take but the amount of Boomers who’ve told me Two and a Half Men is the funniest show to exist is concerning. Both Two and a Half and HIMYM sucked.

Game of thrones

I will be murdered for this one, but Breaking Bad. I just couldnt commit to it after the first few episodes. I tried several times. 🙁

The Wire

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