Just make sure to forward them reopening the request and any supporting info to your personal email. Â Let them fire you and collect unemployment, if they fight it you have proof of what they did.
3 months ago
You have a screenshot of the approval right? That’s so messed up!
My previous job tried to do the same thing, I had to take off for a doctors appt and they tried to tell me day of that I need to reschedule it.
3 months ago
A similar situation happened to a guy I knew who worked for a large corporation. He took a leave of absence, completed all the required paperwork, and submitted it to HR, who assured him it was approved. He then took his leave, which lasted about a month. When he returned, they told him his leave had actually been rejected, and that he was fired.
3 months ago
Enjoy your vacation and screw them.
3 months ago
Not sure why you’re checking your email while you’re on vacation but stop that. Enjoy yourself.
3 months ago
As always don’t be dumb. Don’t quit. Let them fire you so you get unemployment and severance and all that jazz.
3 months ago
Why are you quitting when they are about to fire you for illegal reasons???
3 months ago
And this is why we need a metric fuck ton of laws that protect the workers and punish the companies. One of them needs to be a law that pretty much states that if the time off is requested, at least, 3 months in advance, the company only has one month to approve or deny it. If they do not approve or deny it within that one month time frame, then the time off is approved. And once time off is approved, either manually or automatically, the company can’t do anything to request that person to come in on their requested time off.
3 months ago
Dear HR, my “request” was more of a notice so… yeah. See ya when I see ya.
I had a job rescind my holiday pay after my vacation. Shady bitches.
3 months ago
I know it’ll be hard to do, but turn that shit off in your mind. You’re on vacation. FOCUS UP. On relaxing. The whole point of a vacation is to be care free for a short time. Â
Let that shit go and come back in a week or however long, and bring that DOG with you. Â
3 months ago
Why would you quit? Make them fire you for taking an approved vacation, then talk to a lawyer.
3 months ago
Maybe it’s an error
3 months ago
This could be done to clear up old requests if they’re behind, an error, any number of things. Don’t put yourself out or jump to conclusions. It’s shady and stupid as hell if intentional, but you should at least reach out when you’re back.
3 months ago
I went on vacation earlier this year for 3 weeks. I put in my vacation time in the HR system the first week of January just as my boss had asked and sent him an email with the dates as well. He never responded to the email and the request just sat as pending for months.
The week leading up to my vacation I passed off my work to my colleagues and the day before I went by my bosses office to tell him I’m heading out, see you at the end of June.
Holy fuck did he lose his mind. He had scheduled an audit and a bunch of contractors to come in while I was a way and I needed to be there. I told him the only way I was staying was if he cut me a cheque for $10k to cancel the trip.
He said see you at the end of June. The vacation is still sitting there as pending.
3 months ago
Don’t stress, it’s probably a mix up. Enjoy yourself and don’t make any decisions yet
3 months ago
OBVIOUSLY don’t quit. High chance this was a clerical error, lower chance they’re trying to guarantee paying unemployment.
3 months ago
don’t quit. let them fire you. Collect unemployment
3 months ago
I’d just extend the vacation honestly
3 months ago
The idea you have to quit is fundamentally flawed. You can quit doing a good job but shouldn’t have your job until you have a backup. Literally make them fire you, collect unemployment
3 months ago
Don’t quit.
Enjoy your vacation and don’t answer any phone calls/messages/emails.
When you get back just tell them when you left, it was approved. Obviously they can’t cancel while you’re off on vacation somewhere, who even knows if you have internet/phone access?
3 months ago
What revenge plan are you cooking up? Give us the deets!
3 months ago
If your company functions like most others….its not HR rejecting your request…it’s your boss. If so, this is the kind of thing you go to HR about saying your boss tried to fuck with your vacation requests.
3 months ago
Maybe your supervisor was trying to let you know that the decline message was an error?
3 months ago
Is it possible this was an “oops”? That when they opened that portal to see your time card, they accidentally clicked “decline”? I can see me doing that in my work’s payroll system – innocently and just a legitimate mistake.
3 months ago
This seems like such an absurd thing to go nuclear about without any other context? How do you know it wasn’t an error? I’ve had staff on PTO that I’ve declined their request because they’d worked so much in the weeks previous i didn’t want them to have to use PTO to take a well deserved break. It could be a whole bunch of things that isn’t your company fucking you over and ignoring the calls from your supervisor gives you no ability to make an informed decision before blowing your life up
3 months ago
Before you go postal, I’m reminded of what happened to me this week: the office decided they were only going to open a half day on Wednesday, so anyone who had vacation on Wednesday was supposed to reapply for vacation to get reimbursed their half day. (Though I and my manager agreed I’m just owed a half day this month when I want it)
There could be a non malicious explanation for your circumstances.
3 months ago
Don’t quit. Forward emails and save screen shots and go about your vacation. Let them fire you. Go to your labour board, unemployment, etc.
3 months ago
I’ve been there before. I was in a different state for a wedding they wanted me to fly back (we had driven as we were bringing some of the bride and groom’s things they couldn’t fit in their car. I told them I was not going to leave my car in another state, pay for a last minute flight, get to the airport, make the hour drive to show up at the office for the last 40 minutes of the work day.
My request had been approved over 6 months.
Keep a record of everything and ask them why they are so mismanaged that this kind of thing is acceptable and then yeah, quit.
3 months ago
Honestly I would ignore the email and go back to work and not say anything about it. Pretend like you never saw it. If they bring it up, act like you thought it was a mistake because you were already on vacation. Let them make the first move before you go nuclear. Feign ignorance until then.
3 months ago
Former boss had to take medical leave.
Put in for it, was approved, took the leave and came back and told HR that he was back and to take him off leave and put him back on full time.
A few weeks later he gets notified that HR opened an investigation on him for fraud because “he was taking medical leave and getting paid a full salary at the same time”
HR got their wires crossed and didn’t uncheck the “medical leave” box in the system.
100% HR’s fault and yet they tried to blame him and get him to submit statements, medical records, etc. to prove when he was out.
His response? “Nope, I did everything correctly when and how I was supposed to, this is an error of YOUR making and one YOU have to make right, not me”
It was quietly fixed by HR
3 months ago
When I worked at a grocery chain, they tried to pull this crap all the time. Whenever the schedules were posted, which it was always two weeks ahead, I took a screenshot and made my plans accordingly. Sometimes they would try to go back and change it, and I would be like nope, this is what you had me for.
If I have to give them advance 2 weeks notice of changes or a decline, then I wasn’t letting them do otherwise either. The only time I’d go with it is if it benefitted me, then I’d say; I will make an exception this time, but the policy states we get two weeks notice since our schedules rotate based on need.
Anyway, if you have the receipts of approval, you’re in the clear tbh. Just go back to work as normal, unless you really do want to quit for something else and have funds to do so… But I’d say see if they will fire you so you can get that unemployment until you find something else. Also make sure you don’t sign anything if you are fired, some companies try to do an “at fault” type thing so you can’t get unemployment.
3 months ago
Don’t quit, let them fire you.
3 months ago
Don’t quit make them fire you.
3 months ago
Devil’s advocate here… is it at all possible there was some error that they need you to fix, so they declined and your super is calling to ask you to re-book this or that and they’ll approve it?
3 months ago
Why are you even looking at your work email whilst you’re in the middle of your vacation in a different country!?
My work is separated from my personal phone. Once I start my PTO the work email is no longer accessible, until I’m back. Period.Â
3 months ago
You didn’t have your work phone with you, you were on vacation. You never even saw it.
3 months ago
There is always the possibility that someone misclicked. Where I worked,clicking deny was a one way operation, you couldn’t undo it. The req had to be resubmitted by the employee if it was in error. It could be as simple someone made a mistake they couldn’t undo. They had the wrong employee pulled up or they had a ‘confirm’ operation they were supposed to do when the vacation was taken or some other weirdness.
3 months ago
Don’t quit, slow down your work and chill. Get another job lined up then go. Quite quit.
3 months ago
jfc maybe it was a mistake. You didn’t answer the call so you don’t know you fuckin *child*. That could very well been a “don’t worry, i know it says it was declined”.Â
I’m not a fan of employee abuse, but you need to be an adult first and not immediately throw fits.
3 months ago
Just don’t go back?
3 months ago
Don’t quit. Let them fire you. They’re getting sloppy here. Ride it out. Trust me.Â
Just make sure to forward them reopening the request and any supporting info to your personal email. Â Let them fire you and collect unemployment, if they fight it you have proof of what they did.
You have a screenshot of the approval right? That’s so messed up!
My previous job tried to do the same thing, I had to take off for a doctors appt and they tried to tell me day of that I need to reschedule it.
A similar situation happened to a guy I knew who worked for a large corporation. He took a leave of absence, completed all the required paperwork, and submitted it to HR, who assured him it was approved. He then took his leave, which lasted about a month. When he returned, they told him his leave had actually been rejected, and that he was fired.
Enjoy your vacation and screw them.
Not sure why you’re checking your email while you’re on vacation but stop that. Enjoy yourself.
As always don’t be dumb. Don’t quit. Let them fire you so you get unemployment and severance and all that jazz.
Why are you quitting when they are about to fire you for illegal reasons???
And this is why we need a metric fuck ton of laws that protect the workers and punish the companies. One of them needs to be a law that pretty much states that if the time off is requested, at least, 3 months in advance, the company only has one month to approve or deny it. If they do not approve or deny it within that one month time frame, then the time off is approved. And once time off is approved, either manually or automatically, the company can’t do anything to request that person to come in on their requested time off.
Dear HR, my “request” was more of a notice so… yeah. See ya when I see ya.
I had a job rescind my holiday pay after my vacation. Shady bitches.
I know it’ll be hard to do, but turn that shit off in your mind. You’re on vacation. FOCUS UP. On relaxing. The whole point of a vacation is to be care free for a short time. Â
Let that shit go and come back in a week or however long, and bring that DOG with you. Â
Why would you quit? Make them fire you for taking an approved vacation, then talk to a lawyer.
Maybe it’s an error
This could be done to clear up old requests if they’re behind, an error, any number of things. Don’t put yourself out or jump to conclusions. It’s shady and stupid as hell if intentional, but you should at least reach out when you’re back.
I went on vacation earlier this year for 3 weeks. I put in my vacation time in the HR system the first week of January just as my boss had asked and sent him an email with the dates as well. He never responded to the email and the request just sat as pending for months.
The week leading up to my vacation I passed off my work to my colleagues and the day before I went by my bosses office to tell him I’m heading out, see you at the end of June.
Holy fuck did he lose his mind. He had scheduled an audit and a bunch of contractors to come in while I was a way and I needed to be there. I told him the only way I was staying was if he cut me a cheque for $10k to cancel the trip.
He said see you at the end of June. The vacation is still sitting there as pending.
Don’t stress, it’s probably a mix up. Enjoy yourself and don’t make any decisions yet
OBVIOUSLY don’t quit. High chance this was a clerical error, lower chance they’re trying to guarantee paying unemployment.
don’t quit. let them fire you. Collect unemployment
I’d just extend the vacation honestly
The idea you have to quit is fundamentally flawed. You can quit doing a good job but shouldn’t have your job until you have a backup. Literally make them fire you, collect unemployment
Don’t quit.
Enjoy your vacation and don’t answer any phone calls/messages/emails.
When you get back just tell them when you left, it was approved. Obviously they can’t cancel while you’re off on vacation somewhere, who even knows if you have internet/phone access?
What revenge plan are you cooking up? Give us the deets!
If your company functions like most others….its not HR rejecting your request…it’s your boss. If so, this is the kind of thing you go to HR about saying your boss tried to fuck with your vacation requests.
Maybe your supervisor was trying to let you know that the decline message was an error?
Is it possible this was an “oops”? That when they opened that portal to see your time card, they accidentally clicked “decline”? I can see me doing that in my work’s payroll system – innocently and just a legitimate mistake.
This seems like such an absurd thing to go nuclear about without any other context? How do you know it wasn’t an error? I’ve had staff on PTO that I’ve declined their request because they’d worked so much in the weeks previous i didn’t want them to have to use PTO to take a well deserved break. It could be a whole bunch of things that isn’t your company fucking you over and ignoring the calls from your supervisor gives you no ability to make an informed decision before blowing your life up
Before you go postal, I’m reminded of what happened to me this week: the office decided they were only going to open a half day on Wednesday, so anyone who had vacation on Wednesday was supposed to reapply for vacation to get reimbursed their half day. (Though I and my manager agreed I’m just owed a half day this month when I want it)
There could be a non malicious explanation for your circumstances.
Don’t quit. Forward emails and save screen shots and go about your vacation. Let them fire you. Go to your labour board, unemployment, etc.
I’ve been there before. I was in a different state for a wedding they wanted me to fly back (we had driven as we were bringing some of the bride and groom’s things they couldn’t fit in their car. I told them I was not going to leave my car in another state, pay for a last minute flight, get to the airport, make the hour drive to show up at the office for the last 40 minutes of the work day.
My request had been approved over 6 months.
Keep a record of everything and ask them why they are so mismanaged that this kind of thing is acceptable and then yeah, quit.
Honestly I would ignore the email and go back to work and not say anything about it. Pretend like you never saw it. If they bring it up, act like you thought it was a mistake because you were already on vacation. Let them make the first move before you go nuclear. Feign ignorance until then.
Former boss had to take medical leave.
Put in for it, was approved, took the leave and came back and told HR that he was back and to take him off leave and put him back on full time.
A few weeks later he gets notified that HR opened an investigation on him for fraud because “he was taking medical leave and getting paid a full salary at the same time”
HR got their wires crossed and didn’t uncheck the “medical leave” box in the system.
100% HR’s fault and yet they tried to blame him and get him to submit statements, medical records, etc. to prove when he was out.
His response? “Nope, I did everything correctly when and how I was supposed to, this is an error of YOUR making and one YOU have to make right, not me”
It was quietly fixed by HR
When I worked at a grocery chain, they tried to pull this crap all the time. Whenever the schedules were posted, which it was always two weeks ahead, I took a screenshot and made my plans accordingly. Sometimes they would try to go back and change it, and I would be like nope, this is what you had me for.
If I have to give them advance 2 weeks notice of changes or a decline, then I wasn’t letting them do otherwise either. The only time I’d go with it is if it benefitted me, then I’d say; I will make an exception this time, but the policy states we get two weeks notice since our schedules rotate based on need.
Anyway, if you have the receipts of approval, you’re in the clear tbh. Just go back to work as normal, unless you really do want to quit for something else and have funds to do so… But I’d say see if they will fire you so you can get that unemployment until you find something else. Also make sure you don’t sign anything if you are fired, some companies try to do an “at fault” type thing so you can’t get unemployment.
Don’t quit, let them fire you.
Don’t quit make them fire you.
Devil’s advocate here… is it at all possible there was some error that they need you to fix, so they declined and your super is calling to ask you to re-book this or that and they’ll approve it?
Why are you even looking at your work email whilst you’re in the middle of your vacation in a different country!?
My work is separated from my personal phone. Once I start my PTO the work email is no longer accessible, until I’m back. Period.Â
You didn’t have your work phone with you, you were on vacation. You never even saw it.
There is always the possibility that someone misclicked. Where I worked,clicking deny was a one way operation, you couldn’t undo it. The req had to be resubmitted by the employee if it was in error. It could be as simple someone made a mistake they couldn’t undo. They had the wrong employee pulled up or they had a ‘confirm’ operation they were supposed to do when the vacation was taken or some other weirdness.
Don’t quit, slow down your work and chill. Get another job lined up then go. Quite quit.
jfc maybe it was a mistake. You didn’t answer the call so you don’t know you fuckin *child*. That could very well been a “don’t worry, i know it says it was declined”.Â
I’m not a fan of employee abuse, but you need to be an adult first and not immediately throw fits.
Just don’t go back?
Don’t quit. Let them fire you. They’re getting sloppy here. Ride it out. Trust me.Â
Enjoy your vacation.