Explain that I don’t wanna date

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Explain that I don't wanna date
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The Truth: I Don’t Wanna Date

In today’s societal pressure-cooker, relationships are often viewed as a necessary step towards happiness. But what about those who don’t want to date? Are we abnormal for not craving the romantic thrills and emotional rollercoasters that come with couples’ life? Absolutely not.

In a world where social media showcases the rosy side of relationships, it’s easy to feel left out or like you’re missing out on something vital. But the truth is, not everyone is interested in dating or being in a romantic relationship. And that’s okay.

Let’s face it, relationships can be messy, emotionally draining, and downright confusing. The constant pressure to be in a relationship can be overwhelming, especially in today’s digital age where everyone seems to be pairing off left and right. But what about those of us who prefer to fly solo?

Not wanting to date doesn’t mean I’m lonely or unattached. It simply means that I’ve chosen to focus on my own personal growth, interests, and happiness outside of a romantic partnership. I’m not saying it’s always easy, of course. There may be times when I feel a pang of FOMO (fear of missing out) or get roped into a conversation about my love life. But ultimately, I’m confident in my decision to put my own needs first.

So, what does "not wanting to date" really mean? For me, it means:

  • Focusing on my passions and hobbies, without the burden of someone else’s opinion or expectations.
  • Taking time to get to know myself better, without the pressure of meeting someone’s needs.
  • Building stronger, more meaningful friendships based on shared interests and common ground.
  • Embracing my independence and sense of self-worth.
  • Avoiding the anxiety and stress that can come with trying to make relationships work.

Now, before you start thinking I’m some kind of antisocial hermit, let me assure you that I still value human connection. I just choose to form deeper connections with those who truly matter to me, outside of a romantic relationship. And that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay – it’s liberating.

For those who don’t want to date, I implore you to be true to yourself. Don’t feel pressured to conform to societal norms or pretend that you’re interested in dating just to fit in. Your happiness and fulfillment should come from within, regardless of your relationship status. So, go ahead, take a deep breath, and proudly declare: I don’t wanna date!

Remember, it’s perfectly fine to be content on your own, without feeling like you’re missing out on something vital. There’s no shame in valuing your independence, embracing your individuality, or simply enjoying your own company. So, go out there and be yourself, without apology or hesitation.

The guy hasn't asked if I want to, but I got a feeling, and I don't want to be obnoxious or self-centred.
I'm an only-girl in STEM classes since grade 11 and through uni … I feel anxious just at the thought of guys potentially seeing me in a non-platonic way…

Procrastinated replying because of this… Help
"Hello! Or maybe I should say "hi""

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