This Photo of earth was taken 30 minutes ago.

By Ari1540
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I can see Monday in this photo and I don’t like it.

See? Flat.

Me looking at the fall/winter permacloud that Lake Michigan sends each year to give me seasonal depression 🙃

It is now 47 minutes since this photo was taken.

I’m going to miss NOAA

“A peaceful place, or so it looks from space. A closer look reveals the human race.”

Bloody beautiful

“I can see my house from here.” – a dad while wearing a fresh pair of Nike Air Monarchs

You can see how half of the US is a dehydrated dust mound

You can see the lake effect snow bands

That’s the OG iPhone background

Anyone can view past or present GOES satellite imagery like this from NOAA [on their website!](

Even the clouds avoid Texas.

Zoom in, I was waving.

But…but…but, it says you posted this an HOUR ago? How were you able to post this BEFORE the photograph was taken!!!


Why are most photos of earth taken while earth is in this spot?

Hey Earth. How you doing? I’m good. Beautiful in blue, as always, mama!

Just a little cloudy.

I love how clearly you can see the clouds forming over Lake Michigan and carrying east

Hope everybody was smiling for the group picture

Good ol west Michigan just getting fucked with lake effect snow. Been snowing here for three days straight. Local Holland MI resident here.

Winter is coming.

There’s the earth. Just chilling. Dang, that’s a sweet earth.

I blinked. Can you take it again?

I think I see my dad.

somewhere there is a crime happening

Could have let me know, I would have put on pants if we were taking a big group photo

There’s like 100 people on that planet making it suck for more than it needs to for everyone else

Well it got me masterbating

1 hour ago

But the picture has been posted for 31 minutes…

Exactly 1 hour now

I wonder how flat Earthers that don’t resort to “it’s fake”, rationalize this?

Fuck those guys. Bunch of assholes. Surprised we could fit that many into one photograph.

I thought i recognised that cloud

Hey you can see me fighting with strangers on the internet!

Lake effect snow is so cool.

All of the green in South America. In such contrast to what we can see above it.

I can see my fart

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