I did NOT know there was a subreddit for drugs, how did reddit actually allow that
3 months ago
I can get drugs in three easy steps
1. Go to seedy gas station
2. Wait for a guy to buy cigarillos
3. Say hey y’know where to get some (enter street drug name) 50/50 wether it’s a yes or no and cops don’t buy wraps
r/trees: **Exists**
(and it’s swapped with r/marijuanaenthusiasts)
I’m literally here for the Drugs
What drugs are you selling, OP?
When secrecy and discretion are overrated.
r/crack is a hilarious sub
I did NOT know there was a subreddit for drugs, how did reddit actually allow that
I can get drugs in three easy steps
1. Go to seedy gas station
2. Wait for a guy to buy cigarillos
3. Say hey y’know where to get some (enter street drug name) 50/50 wether it’s a yes or no and cops don’t buy wraps
Sunday, December 1, 2024